MovieChat Forums > American Gigolo (1980) Discussion > What about an updated version?

What about an updated version?

What about an updated version? Who would play Gere's part?



I know that Orlando Bloom or Ashton Kutcher would be good options.

I know that the female lead role would be played by Rachael Leigh Cook or Kate Hudson.



Don't even think about going there.

Look what they did to Rollerball.


Rollerball was awful. But you get the right people behind and and remake it the way it was. It would be cool.


It's funny, because the first person I thought of was Ashton Kutcher. Mostly because he has the model good looks and already seems kind of dumb (not to mention he has experience with an older woman, haha). Not to put the movie down—it's one of my favorites. But the Julian character is a bit of dim-witted guy. Which is partly what makes you feel sorry for him.

The female lead would have to be a little older and wiser. The first person that popped into my head was Marcia Cross. Or maybe Julianne Moore.

I wouldn't want to see the movie remade, though, as one of the essential things about the film is its style. It's a very slick, late '70s (I know it's 1980) vision of L.A. modernity. The music, the cinematography…There's something about Richard Gere, too. He's believable at being clueless and savvy, a loner and in-demand stud, while also being compassionate and arrogant at the same time. A lot of opposites working.



hope u r jokin


There already is an updated version called Spread (2009) starring Ashton Kutcher. Although there's no murder subplot.


How about no.



Yeah, like do a remake, like.
SHow people with cell phones and more cops and stuff.
I feel icky watching this pre 911 stuff, like.
Hey, where's my like Blackberry, and my 5 hour energy drink, and like, my i-pod.
What was I saying again?.



Christian BAle, *beep* A!


Actually I do believe it's time for an update, as there are now many more male escorts who serve women, more varieties of women who seek them out (aside from rich older women who pay Julian with their husband's money, you'd see plenty of high-powered career women paying him with their own), and the success of the show Gigolos makes it a hot button topic.

As for who to play Modern Julian, well there are plenty of options: Channing Tatum, Ashton Kutcher, Alex Pettyfer (well he's not American but he can pull off the accent), James Franco, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Joe Mangiello.

Feminism is the "radical belief" that women are people, and should be paid and treated equally.


Wow, I thought a remake was a bad idea until you mentioned Ryan Gosling. Works for me.


I just watched the original and it was awesome.

I have that Spread on dvd but still haven't watched it lol.

I'd totally watch American Gigolo with Ryan Gosling <3 It'd be epic!

real human being and a real hero


James Franco in Gere's role.

Neve Campbell in the female lead role.

Kid on bike "Where you going?"
Charlie Bright "Somewhere".


Actually I have given that some thought. In the late 80s , early 90s , Jean Claude Van Dam , Adrian Zmed and Antonio Sabato Jr all would have been age appropriate. Diane Lane could have done the Lauren Hutton role. Today I have a different view , I can see it as plain as day. Zach Efron has the polish necessary and the chops to do this and looks great in a suit. I see it set in the early 1960s , I love Georgio Moroder however in this version it would be a motown era soundtrack. In the opening seen Zach would be tooling down the pacific coast not in a 450sl mercedes but a cadillac covertible coupe , top down wearing wayfarer sun glasses. Rather than Blondie " Call Me " it would be something like " Green Onions " by Booker T and the Mgs. I understand Jerry Bruckheimer is working on a t.v. series based on the original movie however there doesnt seem to be much information about that.


It's safe to say that Gere had a smoldering presence on screen that a lot of actors think they have, but really don't. The way Gere walks suggests something catlike, like a jungle cat on the prowl. (I don't recall the other male actors in the movie strutting around like that... it was, I suspect, a subtle way of distinguishing himself visually from the other actors; it was as if Julian were sending out messages to available women in his line of sight.)

I don't know many young male actors of this generation have that sort of presence. Certainly not anyone from The Lord of the Rings...
