Double standards

Why say this movie is trash while acclaiming Fellini's Satiricon as a work of genius ?




I had the same thought!


This film was just a pathetic and lame attempt at TRYING to be a Fellini film... and failing utterly. Fellini's Satyticon is a genuinely brilliant and well made film. Caligula- even the R-rated non-porn version- is a crude, hamfisted, and very poor film.


No one likes Satyricon.


their 1st 3 full lengths are dope


Because "Satyricon" is cohesive, a sustained and coherent look at decadence and folly, grotesque yet grounded in reality. it's not considered a work of genius, but one of Fellini's lesser films, but it's still worth watching. While in comparison "Caligula" is a high-camp mess, with porn scenes added on that were clearly filmed while all the principal actors were off doing some real acting, or getting shitfaced because they wanted to forget that this disaster would be on film forever.

Here's a weird true fact, I've not only seen both films, but I've read both books! Yes, lots of people have read translations of "The Satyricon", but how many found a novelization of "Caligula" in a used bookstore back in the 1980s? I should have held onto it, it might have collector's value and I'd certainly have bragging rights.
