MovieChat Forums > The Dogs of War (1981) Discussion > Anyone know the song played during ship ...

Anyone know the song played during ship scene?

Howdy -

Hey does anyone know what the song is that they play on the ship scene?

The scene takes place on the ship when Berenger throws those oil drums overboard to prep the Africans for target practice. Besides the end song, I think it's the only song in the movie.

I haven't heard that song anywhere except for that brief clip during that scene.

Would definitely appreciate it if anyone knows - thanks!





From what I learned the song is sung by Gillian McPherson who sings the end title song. I guess it was done specifically for the film thus it was never released. I do not know the name of the song however.


The song is called Hardcover Writer and is sung by Gillian McPherson. There is indeed a full version of the song; I have a copy!


Whoooooohoooo!! Holy Smokes! I really thought that day would never come. I mean, I had a hard time with some other songs like "Emotional Refugee" and "Flex It" (obscure songs from even more obscure films) but this really took the cake! THANK YOU MAN! Dude - I really appreciate that info! Found the song - Grooovy! They don't make em that long anymore that's for sure! Thanks again mate!


Np. I'd been looking for this one for over a decade before I found it!


Dude - thanks again! OK - there's another person looking for that info check out this post:

I could respond, but I do not want to take credit where credit is due! 10 years - I understand that kind of quest believe me! It nerves me hearing obscure clips and then obsessing on getting the whole track, but I must say it's nearly a vice with me. It's happened to me way too many times. Still on the lookout for a full "Puberty Love" from Attack of the Killer Tomatoes but I really don't think a full track was recorded. Anyway, I just figured you might want to let that other dude know. Thanks again and have an awesome New Year!


This song is "Hardcover Writer" by Geoffy Buron, the composer of the soundtrack "The Dogs of War". It is track #32.

This soundtrack is available in CD format on Amazon
