The leaping mouse

Posting in another thread reminded me of the night time cut-scene near the end where the little mouse runs across a step then suddenly spasms high into the air and disappears over the other side.

Whenever I watch this film I always have to rewind that bit several times as it's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen

Glad the director thought it was funny enough to leave in the final cut.


Looked more like a rat, to me.


The filmmakers wanted the rat/mouse to jump.

If you look at the scene closely, you can see that they threw some white pebbles or seeds at the mouse. The first one misses and then the mouse jumps when the second one hits him. Just something I noticed when I replayed the scene.

I hope peta doesn't read this post!


don'y forget the chickens they run over!


Yes! Shannon's guide does run over a few chickens in the jeep but I think they were okay. You can actually see Christopher Walken looking back to see if they're alright.


Lol why would they intentionally want the mouse to do that though? Mice never just randomly do that, which is why it looked weird/funny. Maybe they threw the rocks to get it off the screen, then saw it do its spasm-flip off the steps and decided to leave it in b/c it was funny. Or they were throwing rocks at this mouse for fun and decided to tape it too and then include it in. It's weird but also the best scene ever (...well okay that's an exaggeration).


I agree, it was awesome!

To everyone reading, it was a mouse, and yes, mice really do that. They're very sporty, and funny sometimes. My cat does that, too.


I can't believe there is a thread about that scene! I saw this film in the theatre back in the Winter of 1981 when I was a kid and I've always remembered that bit with the leaping mouse. I watched the film on DVD recently for the first time in 30 odd years and there it was again...the leaping mouse!


The mouse of war.


Yes!! lmao-----just now watching it on This.TV----i just saw that and wondered if anyone else had too! ahh-haha! i thought the same thing. i'm glad the director left it in----and it was also a bit symbolic as well


Are you guys suggesting that this mouse-scene was planned or even scripted? I was sure that it was one of these accidental scenes, where a cameraman notices something interesting and decides to film it, and later the director decides to leave it in.
