What did Cdr. Owen's see...

When the pilot who was in distress landed near the beginning of the film, as he was being carried off Cdr. Owen's had a strange look on his face.

Anyone care to venture a guess.

We're all in strung out shape, but stay frosty, and alert.


I read somewhere that the pilot had aged a lot (like the the 38 years between 1941 and 1979).



I remember the same thing but I do not know from where.

Owens looked in the cockpit and the pilot had died of old age.

But I cannot for the life of me recall where I saw it. There is nothing in the script or in any deleted scenes to be found.
But I clearly remember it from when I first watched it.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!



Its been way to long since I read it. But I believe Martin Caidin's novelization, published a few months after the movie, is where they said it looked like the pilot had aged or mummified (been dead a long time).


It's a weird scene. It does look like he sees something really strange - like maybe that the pilot has aged. But that doesn't make much sense for several reasons. For one thing, doesn't it seem like that would've been a huge part of their discussions? Like when they were wondering if they really had gone thru time, etc?


Yeah, if that had actually happened, they wouldn't have been so surprised by everything else later on, like the old broadcasts or the pictures from the RF-8. It wasn't even mentioned once anytime in the rest of the movie. Surely CAG would have told the captain. I don't believe this "old age" scene actually existed except in some imaginations, the same way eyewitnesses swear they saw things at crime scenes that turned out to be dead wrong or just plain impossible. Human memory is a very fallible thing. How would CAG know the pilot had died of old age anyway? It's not like he checked the guy for a pulse. He just looked at him. If the guy looked like an old man, he would have gotten closer to examine him, taken off his helmet. We could see the bottom of the pilot's face and it looked like a 30-ish man, with no graying of the mustache or wrinkling of the face or neck.


If he was dead how did he land the plane?


Because of the Ripple-Effectâ„¢ he died just a few meters above the landing deck. Then the plane was stopped by the rescue fence.


Just saw this and the replies....I have seen this film at least 10 times and never noticed this.

Time for a rewatch....what a cool find!
