MovieChat Forums > Friday the 13th (1980) Discussion > The Entire Friday the 13th Series Makes ...

The Entire Friday the 13th Series Makes No Sense

If Jason Voorhees was able to avenge his mother's death, that means he never died, so what was his mother avenging in the original Friday the 13th?


Well she thought he died, she didn’t know that he escaped into the woods and became a feral maniac.


He did die. However, he was revived when his mother sacrificed the counselors. He pushed Brenda through the window right as Pamela drove the jeep up the cabin to be revealed.

The series has always has a supernatural sense to it. In part 2, Jason has a shrine with Pamela's head and there are later indications that he resurrected her as she had done with him.


Lol, that's a cool fan theory I guess, but there's absolutely nothing to support it and it clearly isn't what the movies had intended. You speak it like it's obvious truth.


The creators obviously made it up as they went along -- no one expected the series to be so successful at the box office -- but everything can be explained and makes sense. See my responses to GreenGoblinsOck8 on this thread for some insights with evidence straight from the films:


As schlocky as Friday is, the earliest installments at least gave its antagonists understandable human motives. Saying it was all really Mr. Magic McBadthing is something a six-year-old would come up with.


But it wasn't "all" the demonic thing from the Underworld. Rather the demonic entity was attracted to Jason and entered him (possessed him) sometime after Jason saw his mother killed and went on his vengeful killing rampage. Sort of like how rats are attracted to garbage and flies to excrement; in a similar way the demon-entity was attracted to Jason's hate & murder.

In other words, Jason wasn't just innocently walking along one day and this demonic thing suddenly possessed him; he was ALREADY walking in a dark spirit of bitter hostility & slaying. Once the two joined it became a perverse symbiotic relationship.

Another possibility is that the demon-thing possessed Mrs. Vorhees after she became bitter and murderous. Once she died it just switched to her son, who had copped the same hateful, slaying character as his mother.

When Creighton Duke in "Jason Goes to Hell" refers to the diabolic-entity as "Jason" he doesn't mean it in the literal sense, he means it as the hellish creature that controlled him.

From Part VI onward we know for a fact that Jason was functioning due to some supernatural factor since he was a walking corpse, merely animated by a jolt of lightning or electricity, which can only be explained by a supernatural element.

Obviously you have a problem with this and naturally prefer the first several installments and that's fine. I'm just connecting the dots of the entire series -- which includes Part VI and beyond -- to make it make sense.

Saying it was all really Mr. Magic McBadthing is something a six-year-old would come up with.

By that reasoning all the Dracula and Freddy Krueger flicks were written by six year-olds.
