Animals harmed

according to a reputable source "on the set of the mega-flop Heaven's Gate—where the production crew apparently decapitated chickens, held cockfights, and blew up a horse—which prompted industry groups to strike a deal with the AHA"


any one who supports a movie that subjects animals to that kind of cruelty is sick.


I saw that too. I was so shocked I mean how could these people not get arrested. I mean not that I agree with the chickens being decapitated but that happenes every day at poultry farms. But blowing up a horse for entertainment is just egregious.


Surely they meant "inflated" a horse.



Blow up a horse Are you people idiots, or worse, PETA heads, Not even in the 80's could they get away with that.LMAO



You're a dunce for too many reasons to count.


You may be surprised, so many animals were harmed during the filming of this movie that many new laws were instituted to protect animals on the set


Foster1234: (and probably others who wrote about their disbelief)

Actually, you are wrong. The American Humane Society picketed screenings as well as movie-goers, it was no secret that animals were harmed for entertainment (not food either). A cow was killed and disemboweled, horses were bled from the neck, an accident produced the blowing up of rider and horse (rider did survive), decapitation of a chicken, and actual cockfights. It was a menagerie of senseless mistreatment and disregard for other living things. Calling people names that care about the welfare of humans and other animals, particularly when it is you who do not have your facts straight, only makes you look like the ass that you claim others to be.

And by the way, empathy, kindness, the development of ethics are a result of civilization and are hallmarks of a society that is worth living in and striving toward - it's not something to laugh about, the opposite is a hopeless waste of our ability to think.


I am 72 years of age......retired stuntman....appeared in film and you are incorrect.


hahahahahaha oh man i love people who flip out about animal abuse.

i think its an awful thing too, but i swear those that bitch about it the most, are the ones who do the least about it! They always act like they are doing their part by judging others who arent super sensitive about any little animal thing that happens


That's not to say that no horses were injured by the explosions in the film's final battle, but no horses were 'blown up'.

That's just ridiculous.

I like pie.


I'm sorry to say that it is true. Actually, this movie is the reason that the AHA monitors animal action. They killed a ridiculous number of animals for this movie. If you see a horse fall over in this film, you probably just saw it's death, and a LOT of horses fall over in this film. I've seen horses fall and flip over in recent films, also. But in those films, they faked it without hurting any animals. I can't even tell the difference between faking it and killing horses with trip wires. It is a horrible waste of life.


"Actually, this movie is the reason that the AHA monitors animal action."

You haven't seen the disclaimer on films made before that 1980 mess? Try getting your facts straight before quoting them as gospel. The reason that the AHA came in and started monitoring films is the 1939 version of "Jesse James". is your link. Crap Son, you'll probably be claiming that the cow accident scene from "O Brother, Where Art Thou" is real and that's why all the cows talk to you and demand that YOU protect them! It's pedantic idiots like you that make me lose faith in humanity.


stevie wonder, are you blind. EVERYONE knows about the endless chaotic scenes were extras and cast members were injured and some died. you find it hard to believe that horses escaped injury? trip wires WERE used to get the horses to fall. watch as the horses are slobbering and exhausted in far too many scenes.

it's all right there bub. thankfully, there'smuch stricter monotoring these days. but check movies like "gummo" where cats were beaten, hung and killed. korin wasn't even slapped with a fine.


I was just commenting on his comment - "Actually, this movie is the reason that the AHA monitors animal action." - which is false. I'm not claiming that animals aren't hurt or killed in particular scenes, which I do find alarming.


@ Steviez33 Why do you take it so personally? Animals were hurt, the aha were involved, that's enough for anyone with a shred of heart to say this isn't right but you get all up in his junk about a small detail. Seems you have issues.


Come on...How do you know that?


Regarding horses being trip-wired, try this scene: Michael Cimino denies it to this day, but there it is in full color, and you can judge for yourself. (You'll need the 220 minute version.)

BTW: It's possible that horse was actually trip-wired in California, instead of Montana. I can't confirm that (stumbled across it on the net by accident) and that's only a guess, but it would explain a lot of things.


I heard that in some biography that that horse in Jessie James actually landed on some platform, but I do not know if it is true or not.


Yeah the ole trip wire was a disgusting idea and easily spotted when used. I have worked many years of my life on cattle ranches and never have seen anything remotely close to that happening...Only in Hollywood


What a sick bunch of "film makers" to do this to real horses. I'm glad i've never seen this piece of crap now, and i never will.
So glad they can't get away with this sort of things these days. Pathetic people.


Yeah, sure.

Now watch The Hobbit take over the box office this weekend.


I read in Horse and Rider back when this came out that you can hear real death screams of horses in this movie.


I guess it's safe to say that horse's career really BOOMED after this movie.

I'm sorry, I know it's lame, but I couldn't help myself.



Haven't seen this. Now I don't want to anymore. I'm voting "1" in protest.
Similar-minded animal enthusiasts: try "Watership Down" and "Plague Dogs."


I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. I'm not condoning the actions of the filmmakers, mind you, but Heaven's Gate is an underrated film that is already unfairly maligned enough without people like yourself who have never seen the film speaking poorly of it.


Heaven's Gate is an abomination - I wish I could sit down and make Cimino watch his animal snuff film with the Clockwork Orange eye prongs.


if you haven't seen it, don't vote


anyone who votes for movies they havent seen deserve same treatment as the horses got in this movie.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


Can anyone see the difference between 'Humanely killing an animal for food under sterile conditions' and 'Killing an animal INHUMANELY to appease the inflated ego of a a two bit director intent on sucking up as much studio money as he can...for his art?'



I can't, because where are animals being killed HUMANELY and under STERILE CONDITIONS nowadays?


Let me guess.

STERILE CONDITIONS: Conditions preventing HUMANS from being exposed to any possibly harmful (to HUMANS) bacteria which were released as a result of the DEATH of an ANIMAL.

HUMANELY: According to terms that HUMANS have agreed on to be not cruel so they can KILL an ANIMAL and not feel bad about it. I guess it's meant to replace the phrase "slaughtered like an animal"?

Phuck the bio industry. I respect anyone's choice if they choose to eat meat, I myself haven't touched it in 4 and a half years.


*apparently my "crazy friend" here hasn't heard of the food

*for example: If a cow ever got the chance,
he'd eat you and everyone you care about!!!

Simpsons quotes.
<3 The Simpsons! :)

***btw, i dont think you are crazy hehe,I respect your choice as well : )


Lisa, don't eat me. What did I ever do to you?


Wow, brilliant logic! You base your moral compass on what wild animals do? OK... So why aren't you eating your children alive? Crapping in the woods? Cleaning your testicles with your tongue? Tearing out your neighbor's throat with your bare teeth to claim his wife? Consuming raw feces?

Oh, wait, you don't do those things? Why then do you justify your diet on the same criteria? I was under the insane impression that humans have a larger brain capacity and an ability to empathize and understand external pain. Odd.

Let me guess your reasoning: convenience, gastronomic preference, and a disdain for moral responsibility. Much easier to blame than to own up to consistency. If the dog does it, so will I!



Bovine University


Yes, I can. I'm one of those "crazy people who care about animal's rights". I see the difference between these pretentious and self-centered directors and humane slaughter (not that I'm a fan, but their is a marked distinction), just know that humane slaughter takes on a different meaning in factory farming vs. local farms if you do care.

Killig for art, fun, or testing out a new shaving cream scent is just plain mean.


"Any of you vegans? No? Then shut the hell up."

Why, yes, I am. Do you have a followup question, captain meaningless?

I have one for you: does it make animal abuse scenes less horrific if an audience eats meat? No? Then shut the hell up.

(Hate to break it to you, but hypocrisy doesn't actually affect the merit of an argument. You're employing something called ad hominem tu quoque.)




according to a reputable source "on the set of the mega-flop Heaven's Gate—where the production crew apparently decapitated chickens, held cockfights, and blew up a horse—which prompted industry groups to strike a deal with the AHA"


any one who supports a movie that subjects animals to that kind of cruelty is sick.


What source? I suppose we should just take your word its reputable? How can you not reveal your source and then tell us if we don't agree with you WE'RE sick?


peta people suck. this movie rules. and that's indisputable.




Haha haven't you people heard of the food chain? Humans rule all! Don't give me this horse sympathy crap...


Wow, don't normaly chime in on these things, but that's possibly the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I didn't know the movie was a comedy.


Anyway. The horses were. as someone else has said, killed in the line of duty. Not a good idea and thank god we have found ways to get around such issues.

But they didn't just blow up a horse for god sake.


hahahah, no no no, cimino would have done like 50 takes before printing it.


PETA people DO suck, this movie does rule, but one horse was killed on film and that is sad that happened. You don't have to applaud the PETA's to recognize the sadness in a great animal losing its life for the sake of entertainment.



You are asking the right question: what is the source for the claim that chickens were decapitated and horses blown up?
First, the cocks as in the only cock-fight are not chickens, and in the Director's Cut I saw yesterday there were no chickens. Cock-fights have been extensively shown in films and television programs without causing an uproar, even though they do not have the effect THIS cockfight has: to make you think how very wrong it is, and how very wrong a society is when it's endorsing it, plus booze, to keep the masses "happy" and "incapable to thin"...

I saw one horse shot from a distance, and fall dead quite convincingly, his rider doing a fall that would kill you or me. The horse is not shown again - and the rider takes three or four bullets more, including the head, in close-up, and you see him dying quite convincingly. You believe the horse is dead, and the actor is not - why?

I saw a number of horses dying in a major battle including makeshift bombs, but their riders were also blown up in the proccess. What's the fuss if the "mad director" killed twenty horses or so? Don't you worry that he escaped prison for making such an obvious snuff film, when he "blew up" all those poor uncredited supporting cast?

Be reasonable, will you?


Much ado about nothing! Who really gives a damn whether animals were harmed or not? It is only relevant if it was 'your' animal! And by the way, Vegans, are beings from Vega! Vegetarians are simply people who need a life! I didn't get to the top of the food chain to eat grass!


Much ado about nothing! Who really gives a damn whether animals were harmed or not? It is only relevant if it was 'your' animal! And by the way, Vegans, are beings from Vega! Vegetarians are simply people who need a life! I didn't get to the top of the food chain to eat grass!

im not even sure if this post was completely sarcastic or not, but i will pretend that you did mean what you said

i can understand the idea that it doesnt matter unless it was 'your' animal if you dont mind murder and genocide against humans that arent your family or friends.

and i assume youre joking, but i aint the type of veg to tell other people not to eat meat. i know that there are plenty of those type out there, but they are probably just reacting to people judging them for not eating meat. so you are perpetuating this militant vegetarian "craziness"

and what did you do to land yourself at the top of the food chain?



Lemme get this straight, the death of an animal must be conducted "humanely" Humanely meaning treated as a human would be treated. So animals are equal to humans? An animal, under those assumptions, should live a long prosperous lives with nothing to stop him from dying of old age ('cept of coarse if the animal commited premeditated murder in about half the US.). I have no "beef" with animal lovers, whatever makes you happy and get you through the day, all power to you. But let's not put animals in equal status with humans, if they were equal with us, we wouldn't be able control and eat them on a grand scale.

Next, ReggieChrist321-1 says "I don't condone with the way animals are slaughtered for food either, but that doesn't mean I'm a hypocrite because I eat a bit of chicken every now and then."

Yes Reggie, that does mean you are hypocrite. If a priest takes a vow of chasity, but partakes in a little nookie from time to time, HE is also a hypocrite. But I understand, chicken tastes good ! :p


you, sir, are an idiot.


First time on this message board and I read your comment. You are one of the most ignorant people I've heard from. Did your mother have any children that lived?


First time on this message board and I read your comment. You are one of the most ignorant people I've heard from. Did your mother have any children that lived?


if you read the book Final Cut it explains that only one horse was killed during filming when it was injured by explosives set in the ground. This also sent the stunt man flying in the air and landed him in the hospital. The horse trippings were never proven.
