Is that BM for short?

Was that supposed to be a "bowel movement" joke?


If that was the joke, I never got it.


Clifford makes the "BM" remark because the teacher calls Moody by his first name, Melvin, which he says he dislikes and wants to be called "Big M", which, I assume is for "Big Moody". Cliff asks if it's "BM" for short.


I"m familiar with the scene. The question that the original poster posed was whether or not it was a bowel movement joke


I didn't get it either. I never heard anyone say "BM" for bowel movement until someone I know in the Michigan area used it. Maybe it was a regional thing?


I first heard it from my sister when she was in nursing school. So I got the joke. I have known parents who taught their kids to use the expression, but they were parents who tended to think that their children were miniature adults.


I know I'm kinda late with the reaction (just saw the bluray of this great movie) but I automatically assumed he meant BM as in "bad manners". It fit the scene perfectly as Moody just demonstrated his bad manners.
Not sure about that bowel thing. :D


I really didn't know what he was referring to. I was a kid when I first saw this movie, and I've never heard the term used around where I live. Maybe it's a regional thing? I knew someone from Michigan who told me they use the term "bm" for bowel movement.


LOL! I'm from Michigan, and when I was a little kid my grandma always used to ask me "Was it a BM?" every time I'd use the bathroom. It was super awkward and I still think about that and cringe every time I hear someone say 'BM'.


Well it wasn't supposed to be. It was.


I always felt it was more of a how dare a nerd like you dare make fun of me at all it didn't matter what he meant by the joke, if linderman made the joke I doubt BM would have been so furious.


I didn't quite understand why BM was so offensive either, however maybe that's the thing. Bullies are overcompensating for things, such as not being smart, which is why they are bullies. Perhaps he didn't understand the joke and thought it was making fun of him in that way?

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I think Clifford was calling Moody a turd. Which he was.
