flimed in Chicago

I just watched this film after having seen it so many years ago. It never occured to me then that it was filmed in Chicago and now I need to know what park that is. I am guessing it is Grant Park but never having been there I am not sure. The park where the fight takes place and the place where Clifford and Carson are paddling a canoe. Anyone know? I could only catch a glimpse of the park name on one of the buildings but it wasn't a clear shot. TIA



I am almost sure that it is a park area of Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. I have been there many times and my Dad recognized it instantly when we saw this as kids over 25 years ago.

Darling, you can't rape a townie......


Thanks for your answer I've never been to that Zoo. I think I'll check it out this summer


It is a great zoo, I believe it is still free to get in. If you are visiting Chicago I recommend you go to Brookfield zoo as well. A bit pricier, but is a bigger and better zoo. The museums are fantastic as well!

Darling, you can't rape a townie......


Thanks for the recommendation I'll try to get to Brookfield zoo too


There is a scene on a train platform that made me immediately think of Batman Begins when Batman confronts Rachel ('rattle the cages')

The stairway and platform looked familiar to me. Upon further investigating I found that My Bodyguard was filmed in Chicago.

Anyone else have any info or can confirm this?

Do I win the award for the most pointless piece of movie trivia of the year?

Thought some of you may find it to be an interesting tidbit...I know platforms/stair cases can look the same...but check it out for yourself.

Thanks peoples!


If I remember correctly the boy lived with his parents, the father being a hotel manager.
The hotel in question was either The Ambassador East or West which are both just below Lincoln Park on Goethe and State Parkway.


I thought the hotel was The Drake that it was filmed at. I know its Lincoln Park where it was filmed. I saw this movie in the theater when I was 7, and I still remember seeing the Chicago skyline and thinking hey that is where I live lol I thought movies were made in some fantasy land and had no idea they were made in places I might live.


Don't think so. The Drake is, if I remember, further up and overlooks Park.


The school was Lakeview High School on Ashland and Irving Park the park was by the lake, Wrigleyville area.


The park is in the Lincoln Park area in, on, and around the Lincoln Park Zoo. Lake View High School is n the Irving Park neighborhood, which is adjacent to Wrigleyville at Ashland & Irving Park Roads.


At the end of the credits, it says a Special Thanks to the Ambassador East Hotel. So the other guy is right!
