MovieChat Forums > My Bodyguard (1980) Discussion > Why would Linderman quit so early in the...

Why would Linderman quit so early in the game?

I know I'm asking only everyone's opinion on the issue, and since Linderman is a pretty complex character it'll be hard to come up with the right answer but why do you think after the first big stand at the neighborhood diner against Moody and his clic would Linderman all of a sudden seem to have a change of heart and not want to be part of the "team" Clifford was talking about?

I mean it seemed like he was on the same page with the bullied kids in school and having all that support had to make Linderman feel good about what he was doing, but without any visible reason he seems to throw all that power and support away. I think it had to do with the film's bigger message about friendship and loyalty. My only guess is that Linderman was feeling used and not like he had any real friends, or he didn't want to take on the huge responsibility of being the bullied kids' savior or something along those lines.

Does anyone else agree with that take on why Linderman backed out almost immediately after the diner incident? Any other opinions? I'm genuinely curious so let me know what you think.

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown


I think that he had felt sorry for Cliff after finding him shoved into the locker and had decided to help him, but only as a one-time thing.

Perhaps, given what happened with his brother, he did not want to get involved with others and risk getting close to them. He just wanted to stay a loner at that point.


Linderman didn't want to be known as a bully or violent person because of what happened to his brother. If he acted violently or abusive towards other people it would only confirm to some people that he killed his brother.

Promise me, no matter how hopeless things get, keep on trying, OK? Keep coming chin-up, OK?


I think he just needed more time than the average person to build a friendship. He was just defensive and stand-offish. It never really showed them hit it off. He gets him out of the locker, kinda smiles and it cuts to the diner scene.


If you notice on that scene clifford still thinks it's moody opening the locker and yelling and he gained lindermans respect when linderman discovered he was finally gonna stand up to moody.


Linderman was willing to help Clifford that one time when he saw what Moody and the other punk did to him. Maybe he felt that if he did that, it would be enough to stop Moody's reign of terror. He also at that point wasn't really willing to be friends with Clifford right away, probably due to his personal tragedy with his brother. I think after awhile he realizes Clifford isn't being a pest, he just wants to be friends.
