MovieChat Forums > My Bodyguard (1980) Discussion > What if the movie ended this way

What if the movie ended this way

With during the final fight scene Cliifford accidently kills moody


The French Blu-ray collectors edition contains an alternate ending in which Clifford uses Linderman's gun he killed his brother with to shoot moody in the head. Then with the help of the other school children they dismember the body and throw it in the lake. The movie then ends with Clifford and Linderman riding off on the motorcycle in a kind of blood lust. This ending apparently didn't test well with audiences, so the other one was used instead.


Thats interesting!! What would have happened had he instead of killing moody he just shot him in the testicles, now before you put down the plot idea hear me out. Ok its the next day at school and everyone is is patting Clifford on the back and instead of coming to school with a broken nose which of course would heal, he is forced to come to school with a bullet from a 357 magnum(which is what I think the gun should have been for it to be proper theater) between his testicles.


I'm just telling you what was on the French Blu-ray and know nothing about any scenes involving testicular trauma.

They also end up killing Mike as well, the little blond kid actually does it, then they build a kind of makeshift funeral pyre and sit around basking in the warm glow of homicidal retribution enjoying s'mores and singing German children's folk songs well into the night as the credits roll.


I must say that you have a wonderful imagination!


I understand that the rest of the bullies and the blond girl who joined them were also axed in that version, but it couldn't be used because a squirrel was accidentally injured in the process.

But if ye do doubt your courage, go no further, for Death awaits you with nasty pointy teeth!


That's a pretty cool idea. I think people would've went apish-t cheering like crazy in the theater had that been the ending.


Clifford gets lead away in handcuffs after killing Moody, and starts pleading with Linderman to not let the cops take him away, Linderman just stands there doing nothing.

The Clifford starts to scream, "Linderman help me!!!

Linderman still stands there doing nothing.

Then Clifford: I'm gonna get you for this Linderman, one day, I'm gonna get yoouu!!!!

Then switch to Linderman walking along the Chicago lakefront, seemingly in peace, then Clifford's hand comes out of the ground and tries to pull Linderman down.

Linderman wakes up in his bed screaming.

Roll credits.


Somehow I feel like I've seen that somewhere before 


That's stupid. How would he have killed him? He didn't have a deadly weapon.
