MovieChat Forums > My Bodyguard (1980) Discussion > If this movie was made today

If this movie was made today

If this movie was made today, Clifford would be arrested for assault after the fight with Moody. He'd be put on probation and his family would probably get sued by Moody's family.

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I loved this movie for many reasons, but even by 1980 standards, it was already dated. Ydodon, I am even more cynical than you are. This battle would have been fought with hand guns and someone would be dead or paralyzed for life.

This movie was more representative of attending public school in Chicago in the early 1960's - which I did.


Not every school is in Compton or Chicago's South Side, amazing though it might seem.

And if your kid is attending a school that is, YOU SUCK AS A PARENT. I mean REALLY, REALLY SUCK. You should give your child up to foster care, because the result isn't going to be any worse.

No, not going to apologize for that. If you REALLY, TRULY loved your kids, you would do whatever it took -- including packing up your meager belongings and MOVING somewhere else -- to get them out of that kind of toxic environment.

This is America. You can ALWAYS find a better place than the South Side of Chicago or Compton to raise your kids in. You might have to give up everything you know, everything you own -- but you CAN do it. Not doing it for yourself is fine -- that's your choice. But when you have brought kids into the world, you need to do whatever you can to help them along.


And exactly where do you live, Sparkey? I can only assume from your post that you're intimately familiar with the South Side of Chicago. So tell me what you're so sure you know about the place where I've lived my entire life. You're familiar with Hyde Park, Pullman, Morgan Park, Beverly, Mount Greenwood? Please, tell me what you know.


And that would happen after the school did nothing about the original bullying because they were busy suspending students for drawing pictures of guns in art class.


If it were made today, there would be a lot of high-tech stuff, losing the personal stories of the characters. They would be no Ruth Gordon (or charming old character like her) who was so wonderful. There'd be a lot of car chases and funny exploding traps, and it would be AWFUL. Don't know why I stopped here to this movie, but I've always loved it (particularly that it's set in Chicago where I live). The guy in the lunch place was real. His name was Jerry Myers and he ran a carry-out sandwich joint. I got a sandwich from his place on my first day working at a bank on N. Michigan Ave., and he behaved exactly like that. Scared me to death!


Maybe there could still be a Ruth. She could be prowling the senior dating sites, running up her son's credit card. Maybe even doing some online gambling (with her son's card).

Goldie Hawn could be good as the grandmother.


Betty White would be the grandmother.


Betty White would be the grandmother.

Damned straight. The Ruth Gordons and Betty Whites of the world just rotate in, they don't disappear from the world. It's too basic and important an archetype for that to happen. And they develop on their own, despite the sheepmakers of the world.


There would be some "tough" text messaging.


There would also be dick pics between the two main characters and at the end they would fall in love and skinny dip in the pond.


Moody would be a keyboard warrior.


It would be cyber-bullying.


It's sort of been remade with Drillbit Taylor, and, as expected, it was based more around the gimmick of a star (in this case Owen Wilson) than around great storytelling, well-developed characters and a realistic portrayal (for its time) of school bullies. However, having said that, Drillbit Taylor is not a bad movie (if you suspend disbelief where the bullies are concerned - especially with what they get away with) and if you also appreciate that Drillbit Taylor gives a nod to My Bodyguard by having Adam Baldwin do a humorous cameo appearance dressed in the exact same jacket he wore as Linderman (apparently it really is the very same jacket used in My Bodyguard).
