MovieChat Forums > My Bodyguard (1980) Discussion > Linderman before his brother's death

Linderman before his brother's death

What do you think Linderman was like before he killed his little brother? Probably not a popular kid or jock. Stoner? Loner? Was he always thought to be a psycho?


Probably just an average kid. Not too popular, but not a loner or a geek either. Seemed like that really screwed him up with what happened to his brother


Not too popular, but not a loner or a geek either.

I think he may have been a bit of a loner, for these reasons:

- Insecure about his poverty and his dad's worthlessness
- Stressed having to raise his brother
- If he'd had friends, they would have known the truth about the shooting and helped him through it


Normal. Clifford's red-haired friend and Moody both say that Linderman suddenly snapped about a year before, so he was probably just a normal guy before.


Just a misunderstood kid. He obviously loved his brother. Maybe he saw Clifford as a brother now that his real brother was gone.

Quote: I don't like repeat offenders. I like dead offenders. Ted Nugent.
