MovieChat Forums > My Bodyguard (1980) Discussion > Rated PG and Categorized as 'Family'

Rated PG and Categorized as 'Family'


Great film, though.


Well, there was no sex in it. And I don't think there was any really "harsh" language.


Except the talk of raping grandmothers.


We watched this movie for the first time in decades with our pre-teen. It's still relevant, and I think it's definitely appropriate for family viewing with a pre-teen.

Hey, you dang woodchucks! Stop chucking my wood!


It's more family friendly than Shrek is.



Yeah, I thought it was intense for a PG film. But this was 1980; and you could get away with a lot more back then. The PG-13 rating didn't come intact until 1984; and should this movie have been submitted to the MPAA ratings board after that time, I think a PG-13 would've been more appropriate.


I thought PG was appropriate.

I'd definitely disagree that a PG-13 would have been more appropriate if it had existed. That's not only over the top for what is at heart a sweet film, but also eliminates the kids who would most benefit from its message. When compared against the PG-13 films of today, "My Bodyguard" isn't even close.

This is a gentle little film with some realistic high school bullying and scares, and a little bare-knuckle fighting that's balanced out by the story itself and by the onscreen characters' reactions to what little violence there is.

The kids do use some occasional harsh language, but nothing unrealistic when among themselves, and it's ultimately a poignant and positive, uplifting film with a great message.

"I keep thinking I'm a grownup, but I'm not."


Yeah, I thought it was intense for a PG film, myself. But this was 1980; and you could get away with a lot more back then. The PG-13 rating didn't come intact until 1984; and should this movie have been submitted to the MPAA ratings board after that time, I think a PG-13 would've been more appropriate.


I'm not sure I'd call it a "family" movie, since it would be little rough for younger kids, but why not PG? There's nothing too intense or awful in this film. Even the violence is just bare-knuckle punching.


Also The Man From Snowy River, a movie that would bore younger viewers.


It's been awhile since I've seen this movie, but if I remember correctly, there wasn't any serious violence or any real hard language in this film.
I do however remember the locker room scene where the bare assed kid walks by Matt Dillion's character to go to the showers.
I guess that wasn't so shocking that this isn't still considered a family friendly film.
I think a PG Rating was apropriate for this film, since the PG 13 Rating wasn't around then and an R Rating would have been crazy.
By the way, I loved the bare ass on that guy in the locker room scene, I remember watching this on vhs and rewinding it several times just so I could look at that ass.


It's very much a family film in that it would appeal to teenagers as well as adults. The language is mostly mild, the violence is rather fake, and the message is wonderful.


I think this also reflects the evolution of these ratings. PG used to be, you know, PG, a film that was deemed only appropriate for children if your parents thought it was OK (parental guidance suggested). It wasn't supposed to mean "family friendly," although I suppose that's what it means now (and this is one reason we now have PG-13, but that's becoming similarly meaningless).


Exactly. PG was never meant to mean "family friendly".


This was a big movie in its day, and I remember it being the talk of my junior high in 1980. That said, we also felt it was a bit white-washed in terms of the lack of profanity and any threat of actual violence. I lived in a suburb that was considered upscale at the time, and the tough kids that went to our school, who came from surrounding areas, were really tough, scary guys who would beat you bloody if the mood struck them. Those of us who fell victim to these budding sociopaths appreciated that a film was made about "us," but also wished it had been a bit more honest in its depiction of what we were living through.

That said, it's a very sweet movie that I enjoy revisiting every few years. I feel an old fire in my belly rise every time Matt Dillon and his gang of punks rear their ugly heads.
