MovieChat Forums > Paura nella città dei morti viventi (1983) Discussion > Weakest installment of the Gates of Hell...

Weakest installment of the Gates of Hell trilogy?

I've had this opinion for a very long time and wanted to check if I'm the only one who thinks that this is the weakest out of the three films?

No matter how much I like the priest and his pop-ups, I think House by the Cemetery had more suspense. And of course, the House by the Cemetery puts more focus on the children than this one. I love when Fulci uses the children and their innocence theme.

Granted, The Beyond is the best of them all. But which one is second best? House by the Cemetery or City of the Living Dead?


City and House are equal.

City has an amazing atmospehre, House has good suspesne.

City doesn't hold up well on repeated viewings, but the kid in House is annoying.

Everything cancels out each other. They are both equel.

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I agree. City of the Living Dead had good atmosphere. Except the first 20-30 minutes but the rest of the film.

Yes that kid is defiently way too annoying.


I enjoyed "The Gates of Hell" more than I enjoyed "The Beyond" actually.

In my book "The Gates of Hell" is the best of all three, followed by "The Beyond" and lastly "The House by the Cemetery."

The Internet's ONLY Horror Talk Show:


^^ this is my personal ranking too,
1. City of the living dead: This feels like the most well made overall. The drill scene is the most realistic effect within the trilogy. Great music and atmosphere. bearable acting too.
2.The Beyond: Even better music than COTLD, Much more gory but the effects often look dated. good movie. Good acting.
3. House by the cemetery: Very slow movie, decent atmosphere, few gore set pieces but mainly well done. rubbish acting and dubbing
....Back of the net


Well I disagree. I agree though that City of the Living Dead has more use of atmosphere than The Beyond...


I agree with some of the other posters, for me this was the best of the three. My ranking:
1) City of the Living Dead
2) The Beyond
3) House by the Cemetery

--No more "remakes"!!!!--


COTLD has atmosphere no doubt about it, this is why it's my favorite. It manages to weird me out a little and that my friends is no easy feat.

The Internet's ONLY Horror Talk Show:


I must agree with the OP that this is the weakest of the Gates of Hell trilogy, and one of the lesser Fulci films out there. There's some good atmosphere but the story is very senseless and it just doesn't hold together the way The Beyond or House by the Cemetery does.


City is best. House is second. Beyond is last. But all are awesome. And I mean that in the truest sense of the word, emphasis on the "awe" part.


I think they are all great films, but yeah, this one is the weakest, still a very good film, but the other two are simply better.

I rank them:
1-The Beyond
2-House by the Cemetery
3-City of the Living Dead

The theater is like a faithful wife. The film is the great adventure, the costly, exacting mistress


The Beyond is the best film of the three, but City of the Living Dead is my personal favorite. It has the thickest atmosphere of the trilogy (which is saying alot). Also, it features my favorite Fabio Frizzi score.



The house by the Cemetery by far dont get me wrong the GOH had it's moments but I just think the House was a better movie overall.


1. The Beyond (It puts everything together in a solid package with the best ending).
2. City of the Living Dead (a fairly close 2nd) Awesome apart from the teleporting Zombies.
3. House by the Cemetery (also solid but 3rd)

All in all, and I know it is considered blasphemy to some, but I prefer Fulci to Romero.



1. City of the living dead:loved the story and characters
2.The beyond: Good kills and ending
3.House by the cemetery: Slow movie, not as interesting as other two.
