MovieChat Forums > Stir Crazy (1980) Discussion > Just noticed something

Just noticed something

But before that,how the frig is this only a 6.5????????????,seriously it dumps over every modern "comedy" by a god damn mile,its a 8.5 easily,maybe most dont vote,i did not till now,but come on now,ben stiller movies get a higher rating,and most of his bar one or two are *beep*
Any way,check out the bit when they are digging the ditch,and the water guy domes past and gives them the water,the white guy with the tats,and the curly hair with shades on is besides them both and he gets his drink first,if you look close,as he swings he has a damn swastika on his left shoulder,its clear as day,if you pause it you can see it.
Now i know they have many aryan brotherhood members in the real prison system,but im suprsied they showed this,maybe they missed it,but whats funny is genes right by him,and him being of jewish blood,you would have thought he would have seen it,as hes right by him,any one else see this??????


I noticed it too, Wilder must have seen it too
