MovieChat Forums > Stir Crazy (1980) Discussion > Was it the same actor?

Was it the same actor?

The actor that played Grossberger; was he the same one who played Oxblood Oxheart in the 1980 movie, "Popeye" with Robin Williams?


Nope. The actor who played Oxblood Oxheart was Peter Bray. Erland van Lidth (RIP) played Grossburger.


The actor was also in "The Running Man"


im still amazed that that's not Erland van Lidth in POPEYE, i was sure it was him, trip out... so i added onto PETER BRAY's trivia that he resembles "late cult actor Erland van Lidth from THE WANDERERS, STIR CRAZY and THE RUNNING MAN"


No, Grossberger was played by Erland van Lidth de Jude, who was in The Warriors. He was also in Running Man before he died. The person in Popeye who played the fighter Oxblood was Peter Bray, who was also one of the location managers on the film.
