MovieChat Forums > Stir Crazy (1980) Discussion > it would be legit if...

it would be legit if...

...they remade this movie with mike eppes and owen wilson. Maybe scrap the 2nd half of the movie and write something fresh. It would be totally legit..Don't get me wrong it was great as it was. As I was watching it the whole time I was thinking how the hell has this movie not been remade. Owen and mike would be an outstanding comic team for this movie.


...they remade this movie with mike eppes and owen wilson. Maybe scrap the 2nd half of the movie and write something fresh. It would be totally legit..Don't get me wrong it was great as it was. As I was watching it the whole time I was thinking how the hell has this movie not been remade. Owen and mike would be an outstanding comic team for this movie.

No, re-making Stir Crazy wouldn't make it "legit", it would just it make another addtion to the long list of great films ruined by a unnecessary re-makes, especially if they followed your suggestion of scrapping the second half of the movie. If you think that it was "great as it was" why ruin it with a re-make that's never going to stand up to the great comic partership of Gene Wilder and Richard Pyror in the original?


You've gotta be out of your *beep* mind. You're joking, right? There are no actors alive right now that could fill the shoes of the GREATEST comedic duo in film history: Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. Are you *beep* serious? Owen Wilson? Good GOD! I'd love to choke the ever-loving *beep* out of anyone who even suggests this horrible idea to a distributor.


I agree with rogerebertisfat !! Owen Wilson? ha ha ha You have lost your mind. Owen Wilson in no ways compares to Gene Wilder !!


why remake it? why not just make another buddy movie where two guys go to jail and are innocent? whoever wrote STIR CRAZY didnt own the prison movie genre, nor did they own the buddy genre, nor did they own two buddies going to prison...

if you want to put new mediocre actor/comics in movies, write them something new... new is not always original...

remakes are stupid.
