MovieChat Forums > Endless Love (1981) Discussion > I just don't understand....

I just don't understand....

Like I always say, I realize times were different then, and what is acceptable now wasn't acceptable then, and vice versa, but what are Jade and David doing that is so horrible and constitutes "taking the relationship too far?" I know parents don't want their kids to have sex, but it's not like it never happens, and there are worse things that kids can be doing together (and in this time, AIDS wasn't quite the epidemic it became, assuming the movie begins to take place in the 60s).


He wouldn't leave her alone, even to sleep. The parents were actually liberal and knew he stayed over. One night in desperation, trying to get some sleep, she got into her parent's medicine cabinet and tried to take some heavy duty sleeping pills. Her father, a physician, caught her and hollered at her, waking the whole household. The next day, David was forbidden to see Jade. The parents only suggested that they stay apart for a while. In the book, the parents were so liberal that the whole family dropped acid together. That is why they were slow to get out of the house the night David set the fire. They were not sleeping, but stoned.


I admit they were together too much, but still they went from liking him to hating him out of nowhere. They treated him like family one minute and an unwelcome guest the next. The parents could have sat the two down and just said that there are times to be together and times to be apart, and that you cannot give up sleep to have sex.

I have to say that sleeping pill scene was pretty ridiculous. She's falling asleep in class, but can't fall asleep in her own home? Doesn't make sense.

I haven't read the book (though I have it and it's in my pile of books to read in the future), but I will say this movie doesn't seem to illustrate certain points clearly.


I agree that certain points in this film are muddled up, but I think the family turned on David was because they held him responsible for why Jade wasn't getting her priorities straight like schoolwork, sleep and backtalking her father. When that sweet guy dating your daughter suddenly becomes the guy who is getting into her bed naked and into her crotch...well, things often change then. Sex changes some people, and in the movie, all kinds of changes were happening between the characters because of how obsessive the relationship was getting. I don't know any father who wants some guy porking his 15 year old daughter.


As srippe said, in the book the parents were very liberal and they were aware that David was sleeping with Jade. David and Jade even bought themselves a larger bed at the Salvation Army. A big problem with Jade was that she craved sleep - way before David came along. Since David was spending so much time over there with her, she was not able to get her sleep any more. By the time she was caught with the pills she was exhausted.

As Ann later reveals to David, the 30 day break idea originated with Jade and not Hugh. The parents were allowing David to be there. Jade was tired of not being able to get her sleep - and probably growing uncomfortable with David's obsession as well - so she gets angry at Hugh for not being "a father" and setting boundaries. She felt that Hugh was failing to protect her. Jade was only 15 years old and she didn't know how to deal with such an adult situation.



You've basically described multiple reasons why the movie sucks. Read the book, it is excellent.

I'm the saddle.


assuming the movie begins to take place in the 60s

Are you a complete idiot? Only the book takes place in the 60s. It's very clear the movie takes place in the early 80s.


I admit they were together too much, but still they went from liking him to hating him out of nowhere.

Out of nowhere?! He burned down their house, genius!




"Out of nowhere?! He burned down their house, genius!"

They hated him before he burned down their house, genius!

I'm the saddle.


You wrote this almost 10 year ago. but my comment is sometimes when the sleep pattern is messed up you can fall asleep at one moment or cannot sleep at others, even if you are tired.


Maybe not AIDS, but she could have gotten pregnant. Just because AIDS wasn't around then, doesn't make it right for parents to let their underage kids have sex in their house. She was also taking her dad's uppers to keep her awake which could start a drug addiction. Also, maybe the parents were saying "End this love and get us out of this stupid movie!"


In the book, the mother tells David that Jade wasn't sleeping properly since he came into her life. She had always been a very deep sleeper. She described Jade as having semi-narcolepsy. So when David comes into the picture she's not sleeping right and her school and life in general starts to suffer. She's a young girl and she stopped enjoying her sleep and her time doing things as a 15 year old girl should. Maybe reading a book or listening to music or talking on the phone with her girlfriends. It all stopped. It was David David David. In the book even Jade realizes it's getting out of hand at that point and actually wants her father to intervene and put his foot down.


