MovieChat Forums > Endless Love (1981) Discussion > Why didn't they meet up at school?

Why didn't they meet up at school?

They had plenty of opportunities to see each other at school!


Because that would make too much sense for this stupid movie.

I'm the saddle.



Lolol @ Bosox!!!


In the book he's banished from the house in the summer so I guess there was no other opportunity for them to see each other.

In the movie yeah it made no sense. It's like he was banished from her all together and now allowed to talk to her even though they still saw each other at school.



We must assume that David was trying to stick to the promise he was forced to give Ann-that he'll stay away from Jade for a 30 days period.
Jade could not figure out why David acted that way and her brother constantly tried to make her meet new boyfriends.
At least,this is what the filmmakers tried to show.I don't think they succeeded.


They could meet at his house


Ah *beep* Why didn't I think of that, hell even in the backseat of s car, there were plenty to chose from in butterfields house. Lol

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


Yes, I always wondered that. Hugh never told David that he couldn’t see Jade at school, or that Jade could go over to his house.
