MovieChat Forums > Going Ape! (1981) Discussion > How can you not like humanized monkeys??

How can you not like humanized monkeys??

Yeah, the plot is weak and the human actors don't have much to work with, but those monkeys are freakin HILARIOUS! I love the part where the goons come to the apartment to take the apes away in a cage, and one of them ends up getting into a conversation about a book with Poppy!

Going Ape didn't deserve an Academy Award, but its just fun as hell to watch (especially since its not on DVD, and only lands on TV like once every 5 years)


I agree--I loved this movie when I was a kid because the monkeys are fun to watch! HBO has been airing it the past few weeks and I can't help myself from watching at least a little of the movie when I catch it. I guess it's not for everyone--I just happen to be fascinated by monkeys and find their performances amusing. There are a few human moments that work, too--like the granny with the binoculars, Danny DeVito as Lazlo; and a sexy Jessica Walter. The movie surely doesn't deserve the low rating it has here. I give it a 6/10 for its monkey-factor.


/signed =)

2.9 is an insult to a childhood favorite... If cable ran this more often to grab younger voters and more fans remembered it from the '80s this rating would rise a bit...


This movie is beyond terrible. If I had to guess, I'd say that it was made by a no-talent 25 year-old from a wealthy family. Who puts that kind of language in a kid's film anyway?

Every copy of this peice of crap should be gathered and burned!! It's enough to make me want to cancel my HBO subscription just because they put this on my TV.

Did I say I hated it?


Theres noting I hate about this movie.Goons shooting at the good guys and ape(s) bother me a bit everytime.And of course the sawmill scenes.


How can anyone who doesn't want "crap" on their TV even subscribe to HBO? There you've got an entire network run by no-talent 25 year-olds. I'd take Going Ape over anything that network has come up with in decades.


It's a kid's classic.
