MovieChat Forums > Outland (1981) Discussion > Found the Outland font! It's free!

Found the Outland font! It's free!

Well, I wanted this for ages and I finally found it. It's not EXACTLY the same but it's definitely a copy of it. There's a free(!) copy of it and it's here:

Okay, maybe nobody else wants it as much as I did, but I thought I'd share anyhow...


This is awesome. Thank you for sharing.


May've worked at one time, but URL is now invalid


FYI Seems to be working, again.


Thanks a lot. Since you are interested in fonts, I was just wondering - are you Catholic?

By the way, why is everyone spelling Connery's character's name wrong? By spelling it "O'Neil," which is normally right, you are wrong - because the credits spell it "O'Niel," which is wrong, but for the purpose of this post, right.



That's a heck of an observation, there, donny-31. I must look out for that on my next viewing of the film; also I'll have to see how it's spelled in the book of the screenplay, which I have lurking somewhere.

Fonts? Founts? Typefaces? Well, I'm not a Catholic, but I can see the humour in the comment. I was always a bit puzzled about the difference between a font and a typeface, and I learned that a "font" is actually a specific weight of a given typeface. So, "Times New Roman" is a typeface, whereas "Times New Roman 10pt" is a font. Apparently, assuming the information I read is correct. Also, I read that the word "font" is a slight corruption of "fount", but I don't know from this. I just follow the general concensus.

