MovieChat Forums > Outland (1981) Discussion > Influence on 'Pitch Black'?

Influence on 'Pitch Black'?

Ok you Sci-Fi heads, anybody else think that the corrupt space marshals in 'Outland' might have influenced the creation of the Johns character in 'Pitch Black'?

Not just the character- look at John's uniform and his shotgun... seem kinda familiar?


No. No not really. Outer space movies all sorta look alike. Hollywood could only do the silver jumpsuit thing for a little while before doing it more militaristically as it is now and has been since the 70s. Ever since Silent Running now that I think of it...

Jason R. Johnston |


Not at all.The corrupt jailor (jailer? Gaoler?) is a pretty staple character


Johns was a mercenary, not a cop in anyway. He was returning Riddick for bounty. Plus, Space Marshals appear to be Federal employees.
