MovieChat Forums > The Prowler (1981) Discussion > this underlying plot ripped off Friday t...

this underlying plot ripped off Friday the 13th, then ....

the underlying plot of this (the murder in '45 at the dance, and then the continued serial killings decades later) totally ripped off the underlying/root-cause plot of Friday the 13th......THEN, My Bloody Valentine went on to rip off the underlying/root-cause plot of complaints, though!! about any of them - they're all great fun!

"....well, GO get 'em SHERIFF!!" - Mother Firefly, The Devil's Rejects



Are you seriously saying a horror movie "ripped off" another horror movie? How familiar are you with the horror genre?


ya that is true just like friday the 13th ripped of from twitch of the death nerve or bay of blood but hey i love them all


well, the guy who directed this (Joseph Zito) would later go on to direct Friday the 13th, the Final Chapter. haha. :)


Yeah, the horror genre seems to go with the flow of popularity. So, when Friday the 13th made alot of money, every horror film was a slasher film that had the same simplistic plot with no character development and a ton of gore.

Just like when Scream made it big in the 90's, every horror film had to have the witty characters who were to smart for their own good. They all have the same look and feel.

Just like how now SAW made it big and every film has to be overly graphic with it's gore and have some sort of torture element in it.

If a monster movie made it big, we would have 100 monster films that would be just like it but I want that cause we haven't had a GOOD monster film in YEARS. I miss the good old supernatural monsters that are near impossible to kill and can destroy people in seconds. :(



Sleep deprivation is a one way ticket to temporary psychosis.



There was no murder at a dance... or even a dance in Friday the 13th.

The killer in Prowler is a jilted lover, while in Friday the 13th it is a grieving mother.

What are you talking about?

~Spirit desire, spirit desire, we will fall.~


You know nothing of the history of horror, much less even the movies you are specifically posting about, that's for sure.


Almost all slashers are similar to eachother.


Dude, my bloody valentine and the prowler came out the same year, 1981.
