MovieChat Forums > The Prowler (1981) Discussion > Rosemary and Roy Deserved To Die

Rosemary and Roy Deserved To Die

The guy spent years overseas fighting for coming back to someone he was looking forward to--she was his only reason for putting up with the fighting.
Then that reason is taken away from him. No wonder he snaps. Rosemary was a slut and so was Roy. I only felt sorry for the killer. The 1945 victims deserved what they got. The 1980 victims, however, did not.


I agree. Rosemary deserved to die.
How could se do that to the "prowler"?.
She got what she deserved.

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


Here, Here!

The Prowler deserved to have his revenge.

"And you know the thing about chaos, Harvey? It's fair." -The Joker



I hope nobody ever chucks you.

If he was the kind of chap to kill her when dumped, he probably wasn't the kind of chap she'd want to marry, perhaps she had found him a bit creepy for some time but didn't dare bin him.

anyhoo, saying someone is a slut and deserves to be killed because the didn't want to wed someone seems a bit excessive to me.


To screw ECHELON please add "heroin, kiddy porn, terrorist, bomb, president, allah" to every email


She broke up with him while he was fighting a freakin' war for his country, and the only thing of his heart's desire was to marry and have a wonderful life with Rosemary...geesh, excessive?

"And you know the thing about chaos, Harvey? It's fair." -The Joker


At least she broke it off with him and didn't just let him come home to find her with a different guy, with no warning.

It sucks, but it doesn't warrant anybody's death. Unbelievable reactions from some people.


No kidding! Two young people deserve to die because some other guy got dumped? Yeah, that's reasonable. Who cares if he was fighting a war or not, that's totally besides the point. You can't just make yourself stay in love with someone if you're not, regardless of the circumstances. Relationships, especially long-distance ones, are hard. At least she was honest with him. I also fail to see what makes her a "whore," or how Roy is guilty of anything at all (aside from being a bit of a snob). What century are these posters living in?


No kidding! Two young people deserve to die because some other guy got dumped? Yeah, that's reasonable. Who cares if he was fighting a war or not, that's totally besides the point. You can't just make yourself stay in love with someone if you're not, regardless of the circumstances. Relationships, especially long-distance ones, are hard. At least she was honest with him. I also fail to see what makes her a "whore," or how Roy is guilty of anything at all (aside from being a bit of a snob). What century are these posters living in? []
Er... No, it isn't.


i agree, 4 years of hell, he comes home, and the whore dumped him. war changes a man, after seeing all his buddies die in war, and to come home to the one good thing that helped him through, and she left him. he snapped. anyways, its a movie


roy thought he was bad.. how he all started a fight at the dance.. but he wasnt so tough when the prowler got him..




I think the 80's victims deserved it too. They were only thinking about sex. How disgusting !



jtdm9 LOL I agree. And I need some help because I actually watched the flick. In any case maybe the Prowler was a mean son of a gun and that is why she said she needed some happiness for herself. No one deserves to die because they dumped a nutcase. In all of these teen slasher movies they always kill the couple that has sex or is taking drugs. SO I knew the two were first killed in the 80's were goners as soon as the Prowler returned.



I can't tell if you people are being serious or sarcastic.

"Listen, do you smell something?"
Ray Stanz-Ghostbusters



That letter was sickening. To write that to the poor bastard in the front line, man that´s cold right there. Too bad for her the prowler was a crazy mofo and she got owned BAD lol

How do you like your brandy, sir?
In a glass.



Well i wouldnt go THAT far.


It reminds me when girls put facebook statuses saying:

"If you wont love me, someone else will"

"The biggest mistake a man can do is give another guy the opportunity to make his girl happy"

I dont like when girls write those things especially on social networking sites because that pretty much implies that they are seeing someone else and most likely using that person as a rebound and Rosemary is one of those girls so I'm glad she got what she deserved.

As for Roy, he was pretty much an a-hole, he probably knew Rosemary was with someone but he didnt care so he wanted to prove her that he's a better man by acting hard at the dance, an ego thing, he deserved his fate too.

The man is in the army, stressed the hell out over the wars he's been through just for him to get home, tired and read a dear letter from his girlfriend saying that she's leaving him?..thats so painful.


He was probably in England bonking all the English women whose husbands/partners had been fighting a war for quite some time.
