FEMALE Indiana Jones?

How long until we hear about the reboot of this with a young, independent, need no man feminist cast as the rebooted Indiana Jones character? They did it with Star Wars and the Rey character and no reason they wouldn't do the same thing hear if given the chance.

BUMP this thread when it happens.


It's clearly the direction Hollywood is going, pandering to the vanity and insecurities of the Dr. Oz/Oprah watching upper middle class wannabe feminist while making sure these tough new feminist icons are always attractive and curvy so as to appeal to men. It's pure pap, and insulting to everyone involved.

But they'll never remake the series with a female Indy. You think the backlash against Ghostbusters was bad, it would be nothing compared to what you'd see if they switched Indy's gender. If not for Tomb Raider I could see them spinning off a series w/Indy's granddaughter or great granddaughter, but that skews a little too close.

A journey into the realm of the obscure: http://saturdayshowcase.blogspot.com/


Indiana Jones and the lost pan


There already is a female equivalent to Indiana Jones: Lara Croft, Tomb Raider.

Rey is probably the best thing about the new Star Wars movie, and having her wasn't exactly like having yet another boy in that role. We've already had Luke Skywalker --and look! He's in the new movies as well.

When I was a growing up, being interested in science fiction, fantasy, horror, comics, animation, and other nerd pursuits was the kind of thing guaranteed to get you politely (sometimes impolitely) ostracized by your peers. Nobody cool was into that stuff. If they were, they kept it pretty secret.

Good luck finding girls into any of it. There were out there, we knew, but were all too rare. The best most of us hoped for was meeting a girl who tolerated our interest in such things.

Now it's decades later, and things are different. Nerd culture has pretty much taken over, for good and ill. There are tons of girls into all this stuff. Newsflash: They have money, and want to spend it on stuff they like and enjoy too.

You can complain and hang back with the bitter dudes in the He-Man-Woman-Hater's clubhouse, or you can get out there and talk to some women --many who are just as excited about this stuff as you are. I know what I would do, but then I grew up in a time when the latter course wasn't really the option it is now.

"I speak Spanish to God, French to women, English to men, and Japanese to my horse."


The problem with Rey, is she's bland and generic.
i told you not to stop, now lets go - Apocalypse Now


Rey, bland and generic? Maybe, but then so was Luke Skywalker till Return of the Jedi. Star Wars isn't exactly the be all/end all for great writing and characters in genre movies.

I didn't enjoy The Force Awakens much, but she and John Boyega were the highlight for me. Wish they were in a new story with absolutely nothing to do what came before, except perhaps tangentially.


(I know you wrote this years ago but) it’s funny that you assumed OP’s opinion was entirely based on your own life experience: aka surely he must be a straight male nerd who can’t get a date.

Kind of told on yourself there.


You mean Tomb Raider.


Who knows?

I hope it doesn't happen, but it may.


Not on my watch.

i told you not to stop, now lets go - Apocalypse Now


That was called Lara Croft and it lasted two movies.


I'm more interested in a movie about a male version of Lara Croft.

