Dial of Destiny

Wasn't there an early rumour that Dial of Destiny would somehow tie into Raiders? , maybe the time travel element, old Indy would end up 'in' Raiders of the Lost Ark like in Back to the Future II..(I guess it was just early speculation based on rumours on the timetravel, and the young "Raiders" 1981 era CGI Indy that was being done)


I heard a variant of that rumor where he'd meet every villain from the last four movies. But I think that was just a rumor.


So Belloq/Toht, Mola Ram, Walter Donovan & Spalko (all recruited by Dr Voller) team up as a kind of 'Sinister 6' to take down Indy? Indiana Jones No Way Home??

Sounds pretty decent. Maybe Dark Horse should do a 5 issue comic series 😄


There was a Marvel comic from the eighties or nineties where Toht's sister sought revenge against Jones. I read a few of the DH comics and found them to be decent. I kind of wish they'd just forgo live-action films for now and do an animated series based off those comics a la 'Clone Wars' instead. It's weird that hasn't happened yet we still got the live-action show thirty years ago.


yeh i think i remember reading the Toht sister comic, think he mightve been trying to retrieve the golden idol at the start of Raiders


I remember now it was the trailer where Indy and Fleabag dislodge a big boulder (not seen in final film) and ppl were speculating saying they were back in 1936 and it was the boulder from Raiders lol
