MovieChat Forums > Stripes (1981) Discussion > Is there something wrong with me?

Is there something wrong with me?

...but seriously, I couldn't stay interested. I tried to watch it a few nights and fell asleep 20+ mins in... I did eventually watch the whole extended cut and I am really not all that impressed. What kind of person appreciates this movie or even "loves" it?? I love Bill Murray, in fact I love most everything he does... but this one... I just can't get into. I didn't find it all that great.


In answer to your question I use a quote from the movie..

"There is something wrong with you...very very WRONG WITH YOU. Something seriously WRONG with you!!!"

It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required
Sir Winston Churchill


Brilliant response! I was about to do that when I saw your post.

"Whenever Mrs. Kissell breaks wind, we beat the dog."


i agree. this was one boring movie.


I thought the first 2/3's of the movie was a comedy classic but once they arrive in Italy to watch the assault vehicle that's where I lose interest in the movie, it's a shame the final third couldn't hold up to the excellent first 2/3's of the movie


it had some laughs at the start.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Bingo, I agree. I would go even further and say the film gets less interesting as time goes on, even from the beginning. The bit in the cab with the b*tchy woman is excellent but the movie is never that funny again, at least for me. The entire RV assault vehicle thing was idiotic and at that point I usually stop watching.

For me Ramis will always be Vacation, Caddyshack and Groundhog Day. Meatballs was a decent minor film. Stripes and Ghostbusters don't do much for me. They didn't hold up well over time.


It was painfully annoying and unfunny.

Uncle sandler went to the mall!!



The film actually started off well and it was funny for the first 45 mins or so. But the second hour was poor and my opinion of the film decreased until the end. Overall it ended up being just average, bit disappointing in the end.

"Hi Lloyd. A little slow tonight, isn't it?"


I liked the first part, but once they end up in Europe (and it's too bad they didn't shoot "on location") I lose interest. Oh, I'll watch it but it's boring.


No, there is nothing wrong with you. You didn't like a movie that other people do like. There are a lot of movies that I don't like that other people do and I don't wonder if there is something wrong with me. It happens.


I'll meet you halfway.... I think the movie loses a lot of steam after the basic training scenes are done and they head for Italy. I didn't find any of the rescue scenes funny at all.


There is something wrong with people who likes this movie.

Stripes is garbage. It wasn't that good to begin with, and it didn't age well at all.


I have seen this film many times and it is typical of a lot of 80s comedies that begin with so much promise and then run out of steam in the 2nd half, getting bogged down in plot when the jokes run out.

"Please you must forgive me, I am old but still a child."


Sorry man, Stripes is one of the 10 best comedies ever made.


mrbluto - I agree 100% with you. STRIPES is one of the best comedies ever made. I feel really sorry for these people and their inability to enjoy it.

It must be hard to go through life without a sense of humor.


maybe it's a generation thing. maybe you are too young?

this is a worldwide classic, and murray at his best. if you dont 'get' it.... then i just dont know why

behold, sublime genius:
