MovieChat Forums > Airplane II: The Sequel (1982) Discussion > The beginning of this movie...

The beginning of this movie...

with the opening crawl copied this off of Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. I guess Lucas got even when he had Return of the Jedi copy the opening crawl then off this movie


It’s called a parody.


Thanks for clarifying


Simon : Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet your captain, Captain Oveur.

Capt. Oveur : Gentlemen, welcome aboard.

Simon : Captain, your navigator, Mr. Unger, and your first officer, Mr. Dunn.

Capt. Oveur : Unger.

Unger : Oveur.

Dunn : Oveur.

Capt. Oveur : Dunn. Gentlemen, let's get to work.

Simon : Unger, didn't you serve under Oveur in the Air Force?

Unger : Not directly. Technically, Dunn was under Oveur and I was under Dunn.

Dunn : Yep.

Simon : So, Dunn, you were under Oveur and over Unger.

Unger : Yep.

Capt. Oveur : That's right. Dunn was over Unger and I was over Dunn.

Unger : So, you see, both Dunn and I were under Oveur, even though I was under Dunn.

Capt. Oveur : Dunn was over Unger, and I was over Dunn.


No it didn’t. This movie did not spoof nor rip off Star Wars. The opening was a reference to Jaws.


There were no sharks in this movie


Ummm were we watching the same movie? The very first scene we literally see sharks swimming through the clouds.


I don't recall seeing any sharks


Then you weren’t paying attention.


I was probably staring at my phone. I do that a lot during movies


Makes sense.


It was just confirmed the sharks in the clouds was in the original movie and not this one. You should pay better attention when watching movies


I believe it was the first Airplane movie that had the Jaws plane.


This is correct.
