Charles Durnning

*I thought he was the greatest part in this movie and by far the best performance, suprisingly light on his feet, good political double speak.

He must have had a ball doing this

It behooves the Jews and Arabs to settle their differences in a Christian manner


Love his number!

Fellow Texans, I am proudly standing here to humbly say, I assure you ... and I mean it! Now who says I don't speak out as plain as day? And fellow Texans, I'm for progress and the flag long may it fly. I'm a poor boy, come to greatness, so it follows that I cannot tell a lie.



This is one of my favorite numbers in this movie. Durning is awesome and yes, looked like he had a ball doing it.

I can see your dirty pillows.


I especially love that thing he does with his hat, where it's on him crooked and he shakes to the side, making it fit perfectly. I never expected Charles Durning to be so delightful in a musical, but he's fantastic here.


Durning's "Sidestep" number is the definite highlight of this film. Moreover, his dancing was remarkably nimble and graceful for such a heavyset guy. Rest in peace, Mr. Durning.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


"The Sidestep" was the first thing I thought of when I heard of Mr. Durning's death this morning. He was an excellent character actor who couldn't be pinned down, but until I saw this film I didn't realize he was such a fine song-and-dance man. He was proof that you don't have to have Patrick Swayze's physique to cut a rug.


<<I especially love that thing he does with his hat, where it's on him crooked and he shakes to the side, making it fit perfectly.>>

Did anyone else almost dislocate their neck trying to imitate that?


I've never tried it myself. I assume I'd need a spotter or something.


Hi! It was the first thing I thought of also when I heard of his death . You said it the best ...


Sometimes short, heavy set guys have good feet. I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. I heard Jason Alexander from the show "Seinfeld" is a pretty good singer and dancer.


I remember seeing this in the theater in its original release and being totally amazed by this little bit, since I mostly knew him from heavy roles like The Sting. Just brilliant.

It is not our abilities that show who we truly is our choices


No doubt about it. His performance was delightful, and his "Sidestep" number was definitely the best part of the movie.


He never won an Oscar, but he won three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star in World War II. Durning, a U.S. Army Ranger who landed in the first wave of troops on Omaha Beach on D-Day
