God help us all - Burt sings!

I love Burt Reynolds, but by God, his singing voice left alot to be desired! It was hysterically funny to hear him try to sing, totally flat and awful, but all the same so very heartbreakingly adoreable! :)


i actually love that part of the movie <yeesh> the song is great, despite the fact that burt's not a great singer. i still wish it wasn't cut from all the movie versions. you can't even find a version of this song online.


I agree that Burt isn't the best singer, but he's much better than Dolly's co-star in "Rhinestone" -- Sylvester Stallone, who belts out a version of "Drinkenstein" that is to die for (and not in a good way).


In some strange way, his terrible singing voice adds realism to the movie. In the scene with him and Dolly singing "Sneakin' Around" for instance, it supports the illusion that they are just another pair of lovers.. Because with a lover none of that matters.. But for the audience it is hysterically funny, there's good old *PERFECT* Burt sounding very "average" at best!! It *is* adoreable! :)


I love this film its so funny!He is one of the reasons why its funny!


Reynolds mentioned in an interview (I believe it's the featurette on the DVD) that he was nervous about singing. He's not a great singer by any means, but he lends a sort of charm to the songs. Personally I prefer his version of the song "Where Stallions Run" to Parton's version (titled "A Cowboy's Ways"). I'm rather bitter that the song didn't make it to the DVD -- it only shows up on the TV version.


It isn't even on the TV version! I watched it this morning on "ON DEMAND" and I was very disappointed!



Have a look at Paint Your Wagon -- you'll get to see Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin singing. And, they're not bad, either. Well, their voices fit the scene -- sort of like Burt in Whorehouse.


I thought Burt Reynolds was well cast in this movie. He strikes me as the kind of guy who has to pay for sex. But I don't think he paid Mona. It appeared they had an ongoing casual relationship. And it made sense for the local madame to have sex with the sheriff to ensure protection and cooperation from law enforcement. Free nookie sure beats coffee and doughnuts.
