MovieChat Forums > The Dark Crystal (1982) Discussion > Dinner scene a little too drawn out?

Dinner scene a little too drawn out?

Did it feel like certain parts of this movie Henson was just showing off his puppets and nothing was actually happening?


I don't think so. To me, it was an example of the decadent, disgusting nature of the Skeksis - they were base creatures existing solely to satisfy their urges.

A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five! - Groucho Marx



Good point.....I also heard the Skeksis were based on the 7 deadly sins and then placed in the form of Skeksis. They're very well represented in all aspects They're gluttons, they're greedy, they're dirty, they're envious of power/position, They're arrogant, They're lustful in the sense of living forever, and especially they're Wrathful and full of rage.

Yup, really nasty creatures, in fact, think of them as demons in purgatory with no real celestial power anymore, not since shattering the crystal.


I think the scene was necessary. It really showed how gross and beastly they were. They may wear loads of clothes and jewelry, live in a huge castle, and own the powerful dark crystal, but they were far from being sophisticated creatures. The dinner scene was so disgusting. The part where one of them drinks water from a bowl reminded me of a dog.


this scene is fantastic, very well paced, not drawn out at all. Also trevor jones score for this scene is fantastic.

'All for one and one for all! You go first, I've got a bad leg.'


It´s a great scene ,I love Skekekt´s lines there 8he´s the one who has some manners )


It's a good scene as it shows how beastly they are. They dress like kings, yet eat like wolves in the pack.


I did think some parts of the movie could have been a little shorter and would still have made their point. This scene you mentioned and the ones where the podlings had their essence drained and they tried to drain Kira's.


Are you kidding? The dinner scene MADE this movie. I loved the part where Augra wrestled out of the bag and cussed them out in gibberish!
