MovieChat Forums > The Dark Crystal (1982) Discussion > What happened to The Chamberlain? (Spoil...

What happened to The Chamberlain? (Spoiler)

I was a little confused as to the ending? What happened to The Chamberlain at the end of the movie? Was he merged as well or was he killed before?




I think he (post-merge) was the one that talked to Jen and healed Kira.

What?! WHAT??!?! WHAAAAT!! The Glove is losing its touch!! — Chief Blue Meanie


I thought that was the post-merge General.

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."


Of course,because he was the Urru´s Healer


Even when I was a child, I believed that the representative was the merged General, because he was the leader of the Skeksis. I figured that made since. Up until a few years ago, I didn't even know his urSkek name ... let alone the fact that he was the healer.

It's been a while since I've watched this movie. But I remember all of the urSkeks chanting during Kira's revival scene. I've always thought that they were all responsible for bringing her back to life.

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."


Yea you can see him in the wide shot of all of them once the sunlight shines through the crystal and traps them all for the merge. I love that scene..well done for it's time.


he was merged/killed at the end of the film. same with all the Skeksis (aside from Skektek and Urtih)
