MovieChat Forums > First Blood (1982) Discussion > If Only Stallone Hadn't Sold Out

If Only Stallone Hadn't Sold Out

He could still be making action films like this, instead of subpar trash like The Expendables 1, 2 and 3. And Homefront. And rebooting the Rocky series yet again for his own vanity.

Stallone's proven that he really is a genius writer. Unfortunately, he hasn't proven that since 1976 and 1982. First Blood is an action film with a brain and a soul, and I think it's better than Die Hard. Possibly the best action film of all time.


I don't know, by the 00's Stallone had all but died up after 'Assassins' and 'The Specialist' (Copland was by far the only really good movie he made in this era) and was making low-key films like 'Driven' and appearances in 'Spy Kids 3'...

Then interest grew in rebooting 'Rocky' and 'Rambo' and he was back making big films. With this popularity it was a genius idea to get an ensemble of other action stars who's popularity had waned - he wasn't selling out, he was just doing what he does most - making good fun popcorn cinema.

And it's not like he's only done 'Expendable' movies - you've got 'Grudge Match' where he sends himself up to a degree, 'Bullet to the Head' not great, but fun and 'Escape Plan' which I thought was very good.

And for the record (I'm not saying Stallone can do no wrong) I don't mind the 'Expendables' films as they don't take themselves seriously.


However I do think that if he'd stuck to more serious roles and the odd good comedy (FU 'Rhinestone') in the 80's following this and the first two 'Rocky' movies he could by now be regarded in the same vein as De Niro, Pachino and Hoffman as 'Copland' showed...for that not happening you can lay the blame firmly at the feet of 'Cobra' and the following Rambo and Rocky movies and 'Tango and Cash' - all good fun films, but my point is, Stallone - by your standards - sold out in 1984!


I agree. Stallone's name has become so synonymous with hokey, cheesy action flicks that when I first watched Rocky (and later, First Blood), it was almost hard to believe how terrific they were (particularly Rocky).

Without his digressions into endless sequels and corn-ball films, he could have (would have?) risen to be regarded as one of the premier actors of the 80s and 90s.

But, I guess it's his career and he can do what he wants with it, right? After all, there's a market for it. Sly ain't dumb...


I agree.
In First Blood his acting is really good and in a few others movies, the first rocky for example.
I also liked him alot in lock up, I know many don't like that movie but I enjoy lock up quite a lot and compared to most "action" movies of today lock up is an oscar winner.



The way I look at it, is that he had two spectacular films in him. That's more than most actors have. That's more than most writers have.

He can be happy with these two, and I'm sure he made lot's of money on his other mediocre stuff, so he's comfortable.


Two, good movies? I guess you have not seen rhinestone


I wish people knew what "sell out" means...


He has sold out he's doing bread commercials in the uk now for warburtons lol


Well, I like The Expendables and those movies are meant to be "trash". Stallone and other old school action heroes reuniting to kick ass is basically the point of that trilogy.


But Cobra is his best movie
