MovieChat Forums > First Blood (1982) Discussion > Would a Sheriffs department

Would a Sheriffs department

Of such a small town such as Hope really be allowed to have automatic weapons?


In real life, probably not but I prefer them to in this movie cause it's cool.


why not ? they use handguns but they have automatic weapons in storage because of regulations i.e. extreme situations


Yeah that rifle cabinet looked reeeeeeally secure.


Yes they would all have them and the main reason why is to defend themselves from white supremacists who can be a threat to any American city


And I guess your 'college professor' told you that? (etc)


Yes, white supremacists and climate change are our countrys biggest threats


Bingo lol


Yes they would all have them and the main reason why is to defend themselves from white supremacists who can be a threat to any American city

What Radley Belko has described as the rise of the warrior cop has led to even small town sheriffs being armed like a SEAL team. Dunno if this would have been as true in '82, but it's definitely more the rule than the exception today
