MovieChat Forums > First Blood (1982) Discussion > How would RAMBO Have Fared Against The P...

How would RAMBO Have Fared Against The PREDATOR??

Now this will make for good discussion.. Go


Depends. Does he know what he's dealing with? If so, he has a really good chance.

If not, he might last a while but he's dead meat.

Arnold won in the original movie only after his whole crew/unit was wiped out & he figured out what he was dealing with


Probably acknowledges it's feelings of being an outsider and becomes friends with it. Once they learn to communicate, they build a fort in the woods and live together, hunting, fishing, swapping horror stories and travelling the countryside - and keeping people like Sheriff Teasle out.


Lol! Thank you for the funny post!


Welcome. You can totally see it, though, a buddy horror-comedy where they cut between a good frolic - in a manly/predatory way, of course - and a mass murder of the law.


Who doesn’t love a good manly frolic? 😂 In a world of sequels, prequel and remakes, this is the one we definitely needed a long time ago.


Definitely, it should be the movie's tagline: It's mother-frolicing good time


The Predator may have the technology but Rambo would know the country. It would be Vietnam all over again, only this time Rambo would be the Viet Cong!!!
