MovieChat Forums > Porky's (1982) Discussion > Was peeping normal in the 80s?

Was peeping normal in the 80s?

Did anyone else who grew up in the 80s think peeping on girls was just something all teenage boys did? Nearly EVERY comedy that came out back then included a peeping scene as did TV shows, including dramas, minus the nudity. Hell, even Little House on the Prairie had multiple episodes involving peeping boys. I don't recall seeing it much after that save the webcam scene in American Pie or shown in a negative light in Lifetime movies.

If I was more ambitious I'd list everything I can remember back then with at least one scene, but Maximum Overdrive is about to start.


80's guy asks, "I dunno... is sitting in front of a small computer laptop, with your d*** out, spanking your monkey, while watching online naked videos something all modern teenage boys do?"

People, sex is here for life. It existed LONG ago, and will exist forever in the universe. Make peace with that.
Men are sexually attracted to ANYTHING visually. Women, genetics and hormonal. This is how it works on Earth.

No matter how much we try to stigmatize it, illegalize it, WOKEify it, feministize it, it is never going to change. Never.


it still happens today.


Thos are male teens, loser. If you arent interested in female teens then, then you are simply not interested in women at all. And cause this is their first encounter most times its done the dumb way.

Soy boys .... the worst plague on this planet.


Not at school but at summer camps it was common thing for us boys to do... we never seen anything but the attempt was there.


I don't recall any such thing actually happening, but I do remember there was a little song the kids used to sing (that I got in trouble for teaching another kid) -- no idea if we even knew what the words meant, I can remember just thinking it was a funny song:

Sung to an Arabian riff (

There's a hole in the wall
Where the boys can see it all

That boy's mother was so upset at me and I didn't understand a bit. Although, today, I do.


