MovieChat Forums > The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) Discussion > My thoughts on the movie *very negative*

My thoughts on the movie *very negative*

So, this is another one of those threads...I am a huge horror fan (Especially any sort of slasher) but I just couldn't deal with this movie. Maybe because I'm a girl and I find the unnecessary zooming on the as$ when showering offensive.

I stopped watching after the scene in which the guys are peaking through the house from the window trying to get a glimpse of the girls seeing the girls naked changing clothes, and one of them says (with joy ): "What did we do to deserve this?" To which his friend responds "We've died and gone to heaven."

Then I asked myself what did I do to deserve this? I brought it on myself and thought I should watch this movie. lol

So I stopped. It wasn't even a funny bad movie, it was legit bad. Terrible in fact. 1/10.


What many people often overlook about this film is the fact that it was intended as a PARODY of slashers (at a time when the genre was still in its heyday) and that it was written and directed by women.

I can understand why someone might be offended by the nudity and, in particular, the "zooming" on the girl's naked behind.

But my take on it, however, is that it was was sort of a "spoofy" treatment by the female director of the way in which these kinds of movies often use gratuitous nudity to pull in male moviegoers (as if she was sarcastically saying, "OK, guys. We know why you paid the admission price. Here you go.")

Ditto for the scene with the guys looking in the window.

In this film, the male characters are mostly weak and ridiculous. Even the killer himself is fairly buffoonish.

But not every movie is everyone's cup of tea, that's fine. I personally found it to be an enjoyable little film of the genre (and, clocking in at ca. 77 min, it doesn't waste the viewer's time).

Thanks, and have a great day.



You missed out on a great movie.


I am a huge horror fan (Especially any sort of slasher)

But this kind of stuff usually happens in like...90% of slashers.


Hence me opening with that line and a "but" followed soon after...


Your complaining about sexual content/nudity in a slasher movie is weird. Out of curiosity, what slasher movies have you watched and enjoyed? Most of the good ones have plenty of both. And this title was directed by a woman.


You can't rate it if you only watched a portion of it. &
