MovieChat Forums > The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) Discussion > does anyone else like this movie?

does anyone else like this movie?

I really like this movie. But then again I like slasher movies. The ending is great and the last 20 minutes are suspensful. If you like slasher movies then you'll probably like this one.


I did. I thought it was extremly good.


This movie now is a classic for the slasher genre!
The ending is one of the most shocking in the genre also.

"there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit, there is no prosthetic for that."


this movie sucked except for the tats on the chicks


typical answer from the typical horror fan. The type of person that would buy a dvd of female nudity moments in films.

This is why I get looks when I say I am a horror fan. *shakes head*


Cool flick.
Nuff said.



It's in the top 50 in my opinion

"Baby's fat. You're fat. Fat and Juicy!" -- Cannibal from The Hills Have Eyes





I havent seen it but I want to



I just watched Slumber Party Massacre and Cheerleader Massacre today. Is CM really the sequal, because its completely different. They change the original.
(IE: in the fact that the girl who goes back for her book doesnt die). I really hope it isnt a sequal, the original is so good in a campy/cultish way, where as CM is a piece of trash. Poorly shot, acted, and everything about it just seeps terriable.


Soz John, i hvnt seen any of the sequels, but this one positively rocked!!!!!!




Man I remember my totally repressed babysitter coming over and being totally freaked out that a little kid (11yrs or so) had this movie on vhs!

She was like "How can you eat spaghetti while watching this movie you little freak?" I was like "Uhhhh... I don't know lady... relax." I'm 29 now and she's been in my backyard ever since, aaaahhhh... goodtimes.

Is it just me or is the best thing about this movie the music!

ON one hand it's kinda cheesy silent movieish with the organ and all but man I totally dig it! What with horror movies trying to revert to the 70's and 80's nowadays I wonder if anyone would have the stones to try it now, and how it would go over.


I love this film, I have all 3 on DVD. I love most 80s slasher films.

Someone give me a Cold Beer.


I think it's a cool, funny flick. It's like a splatter flick on steroids! But, of course, someone who doesn't like slasher movies likely would not like this one! LOL

I haven't seen any of the sequals yet, are they any good???


This is a good film!

Part 2 sucks, havent seen III yet.





yeah, it is pretty scary. the killer is creepy, and the way the people die is like a horror movie. part 2 is pretty stupid, and part 3 is a disaster. i don't care to watch cheerleader massacre.


I like it!!!
The black chick is so hottt!!!


I thought it was a classic 80's slasher. Great lines, great settling, and great kills. I love the part when the girls are in the living room and the black girl sees the body of the pizza guy laying on the floor and they move over and one touchs him and says "He's so cold!" and The black girl goes "Is the pizza?" And the other two are all grossed out as she takes a pizza and says "Well life moves on, and anyways I always feel better when I eat." I laughed my ass off at that part, it was just playing on TV so it felt like a blast from the past.

"Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville, and we're about to test my Rocket Skates!"


did the woman who played Val look like Nancy's mother in the 1st Freddy movie? cuz i thought that was her for a sec there until i looked at the credits. Anyone else think this?


Nope. it didn't work at all. To have an effective slasher the killer's face should be hidden & left to the imagination or shown & be very frightening. Showing a 5 foot skinny guy who doesn't even look crazy is not interesting. After I saw him kill Brinke Stevens I quite watching it. Showing the killer as a normal human just doesn't work. Not for a slasher.

Don't wander into abandend churches for Czakyr will grab you from underneath the watery grave.



I also disagree, one of the reasons I like SPM is because Russ doesn't wear a mask like every other Halloween/Friday the 13th clone that came out in the 80's.

"Showing the killer as a normal human just doesn't work."

Worked for me.

My head hurts, my teeth itch, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus.


cafagan-I always thought Robin Stille and Ronee Blakely looked very similar also. They are both very pretty, and it is very sad that Robin committed suicide. I first saw Slumber Party Massacre in the late 80's and it has been one of my favorite horror movies ever since.



Yeah...I dig this movie, and I originally saw it with a double feature with Friday the 13th Part III. I didn't see it in the Quotes, but my favorite line is "Who is it?"..."Its the Pizza Guy"..."How many?"..."So far six". I don't know if that is an actual line, but it stick out in my brain. After that dialoge, the Pizza guy fall in when they open the door with his eyes drilled out. Totally halarious.

My favorite scene is the end, when Val takes a whack at his drill with the machetti, and the drill bit breaks. Then she wacks off his hand. Classic.


I own and love this movie it's in my top 15 best horror movies.


this movie wasnt scary, it was comical and it sucked


"this movie wasnt scary, it was comical and it sucked"

Obviously it was comical, it's quite obvious they weren't going for straight horror. Scary is subjective, and not all horror films have to be scary to be horror films.

My head hurts, my teeth itch, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus.


Dear ghostwolf76,
This writer reviewed this movie under my previous e-mail name of sevenup.
This film amazed me on how low of a budget it was made on but the makers obviously got the most for their money.It's very atmospheric with a score that's extremely effective.This film will never win any academy awards but that's for all the snobs to cheat themselves out of enjoying a very well made movie.Slumber Party Massacre is really a very impressive little film that deserves to be listed as one of the best mad slasher films of all time.
I own 2 copies of this movie so I'm really hooked!
To Better Days,



This movie is great! I rented it with my friends totally randomly when we were in high school. One of the best parts about it is around the middle of the movie there are about 20 "false alarms" in a row; ridiculous and hilarious. :-P

Oh and there's topless girls within 1 minute of the movie starting if I remember correctly, haha.


I like this movie caused 80's horror is off the chain!!! But I do think they should of hidden the killer's idenity and possibly of made it one of the girls from the basketball team. That would of made it better. The most funny part in this film is when the killer ran from the girl with the knife! The kills were great and it is alot of fun to watch. The best nude sequence is when we see Brinke Steven's Ass!

