Underrated Slasher Gem

Snagged this at my local Hollywood Video and man was I surprised. Beautiful chicks and a great slasher plot about a slumber party. The killer was pretty creepy and had some badass cowboy boots. He did not have innovative kills, but a precious drill (phallic symbol anyone). *beep* Great all around recommend to any slasher fans. Anybody have any suggestions of other slasher 80s flicks that are like this?


Needs a better DVD release.

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It was funny how it showed the total process of that it took for the serial killer to put the bodies away. I kind of felt sorry for the guy, he made it look so difficult.



This was a pretty good movie..Loved all the ladies..and the pointless killings..

Don't judge me based on your ignorance


Love it.


I agree. This movie freakin' rocks.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


I recommend seeing The House On Sorority Row (1983) which is being re-released on DVD in November I believe. It takes itself a little more seriously than SPM, but it's still a nice 80's slasher.

I also recommend seeing Sorority Row (2009) which is a remake. I know, u asked for recommendations of 80's slashers, but I think this flick is similar to slumber party massacre. It doesn't take itself too seriously and it's lots of fun!


It's annoying as *beep* "Oh I simply came upon this little gem of a movie." I mean who the hell do you think you are, Judy Garland?

--I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been


Haven't logged on here in a while, saw this though, man you are a *beep* douche.


great little slasher film,saw it at the drive in way back when.much more entertaining than scream or pretty much anything released in the 90s.
