What year was this flimed??

I know copyright date is 1982. but it looks like it was filmed in either sometime in 80, or defiantly 1981. But no way this was shot in 82.. it looks too dated even by then..



Im guessing probably 1981. The director said it was originally suppose to be a spoof of slashers, and '81 was when the theaters were being flooded with those.


What makes it dated by 1982? 1982 and 1980 don't look that different to me.



People are splitting hairs, but I know what you mean. This was probably filmed in 1981, but it seems more like a film from 1975.

"No, guys, wait, I'm not missing anymore. I don't miss Mister Mazzy." - Pontypool


The box office section of IMDb says it was filmed in July 1981.
