MovieChat Forums > The Thing (1982) Discussion > Why is nobody talking about the breathin...

Why is nobody talking about the breathing thing

Everyone's asking is Childs the Thing at the end, theories are made, seems like the gasoline/whisky one is the favorite, but Imdb said that John Carpenter said you can clearly see at the end, with the gleam, that Macgready is breathing but Childs is not.
I found that the most interesting theory, especially coming from the director.
He might have invented it afterwards, but if you look at the scene, it works


It's actually incorrect. I recently watched it, and I could see Childs breathing. It's subtle, but it's there. I'm not sure if it's because of the lighting or what, but you can see Childs' breath.

Plus, it doesn't jive with earlier in the movie when Bennings is The Thing and he roars, we can plainly see his breath.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


It's actually incorrect. I recently watched it, and I could see Childs breathing. It's subtle, but it's there. I'm not sure if it's because of the lighting or what, but you can see Childs' breath.

Plus, it doesn't jive with earlier in the movie when Bennings is The Thing and he roars, we can plainly see his breath.

If the Thing more or less perfectly imitates other life forms, you wouldn't expect there to be such a blatantly obvious difference between it and its host such as breathing vs. not breathing or body temperature. If it can mimic most of your brain to restore your memories, it's pretty clear that it mimics the rest of your physiology too.

The claim that Carpenter said that Childs isn't breathing doesn't sound very believable either. The film's producer at least has stated that they gave no hints as to who was or was not a Thing in the clothing, behavior, or appearance of the characters.

I'm not sure who started this nonsense theory about the whiskey bottle containing gasoline. Some people just like to make things up that aren't in the movie.


Exactly. I fully agree. There are no clues as to who is or isn't the thing at the end. It's just wild speculation.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


You both seem right but I'm not making g this up,its in the Imdb Trivias for this movie. Have a look


Yeah. People have mentioned it in the past. But I still don't agree with it. Like I said, it doesn't really fit in with what's actually shown on screen.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


It's about a combination of things, and not just any one aspect

The breathing
The coat he's wearing is different than the last one we saw him in
That he drinks after Macready without a second thought
That he doesn't seem suspicious of Macready at all
That he decided to go after Blair by himself in the storm without knowing if Blair was even human
The dark music when he takes the final drink
That Macready isn't convinced he's human, but the film ends anyway

etc etc


The breathing has been disproven.
People change clothes, not just aliens.
Not proof of anything really. Just that he took a drink.
He does.
Probably went out to kill him. We know Childs seems to be in favor of killing.
Dark music played throughout the movie.
Macready was convinced others were the thing. Heck, he didn't even suspect Blair. He's not infallible.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.



Besides that, there's no proof he changed his coat. Some claim it went from blue to brown, but it was covered with soot, the fire light painted everything in that scene golden/brown. Child's flamethrower strap was originally green, but in that end scene, the strap is now brown. Those who believe Childs changed to a brown coat, must also believe for no reason Childs went looking for a matching color brown strap also? Why?

I welcome anyone to show us one single screenshot from that scene where they see something that is NOT some shade of golden/brown color.

I wish more people would realize how much the lighting hue has an affect on the actual color of an object. It's why many people believe (including me @ 12 y.o.) the aliens in Aliens were blue, when in fact they were brownish colored.

