MovieChat Forums > The Thing (1982) Discussion > QUESTION - What is your Favorite Deleted...

QUESTION - What is your Favorite Deleted Scene ?

What is your Favorite Deleted Scene from this Movie ?

For me, it is the one where Bennings comes inside the building where the dog kennel is and he almost immediately sees someone (I think it was Blair) quickly run away.
What about everyone else ?


Not my favourite 'cause I haven't seen it, but I'd love to see Nauls' death. I believe it was filmed, but Carpenter said that it looked like crap. I'd still like to watch that piece of film.


Nauls' fate was never filmed...Rob was in the hospital so there was no opportunity to complete it. It would have existed just after Mac's reaction to the plunger being dragged away...the scrapped stop-motion Blairmonster portion was to immediately follow these:

Of the few deleted scenes that were filmed, I'd go with the "It's not dead yet" comment by add a bit more levity to such a heavy film.


That is definitely a very good website for this movie.



Now I need to know where I got this idea that it was filmed.

Then I would go with the extended dog-thing autopsy scene too.

Anyway, I believe this film is perfect as it is. I wouldn't put back in any of the cut scenes, but I'm glad that those exist.


"I believe this film is perfect as it is. I wouldn't put back in any of the cut scenes, but I'm glad that those exist."
I am glad that they exist too!


The scene in the green house.

Listen, do you smell something? -Ray Stantz


Of the few deleted scenes that were filmed, I'd go with the "It's not dead yet" comment by add a bit more levity to such a heavy film.

When I watched the film, I kept thinking they should put such a line in the film. When I watched the extras, I said "Why didn't they leave that in!?" I also like how everyone takes a large step back when they heard it. The whole autopsy scene, I kept wondering why everyone would stand so close to it, even before realizing the way the thing works. After witnessing the dog kennel scene, I wouldn't want to be in the same room as the burnt carcass.


For me, it is the one where Bennings comes inside the building where the dog kennel is and he almost immediately sees someone (I think it was Blair) quickly run away

Same here; saw it a few years back & it gave me instant chills. Mainly b/c it's spooky as hell, but also b/c I recall seeing it in the 80s as a kid on a TV edit of the film. Recall in particular that scene & the stop-motion Blair-thing in the generator room at the end.

This particular deleted scene was meant as an alternate death scene for Bennings, judging by the image/description at the bottom page of the link below:

While I like the deleted scene as is (BTW the mystery person looks like Clark to me, though Blair makes more sense in regards to the rest of the film), I'm glad we didn't get this death scene for Bennings & also Fuchs' alternate death scene, as that would have felt too "murder-mystery" for me. To me the Thing outright killing people is just wasted opportunity.



Same as you, the one with Bennings. Pretty creepy scene.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!
