MovieChat Forums > The Thing (1982) Discussion > Who was infected first?

Who was infected first?

Palmer or Norris?

And were they both infected by the time they travelled with McCready to the spacecraft bunker? If so, they could have easily assimilated him. I don't buy this whole thing about not assimilating him due to a lack of clothing. I'm sure either Palmer and Norris would have taken an extra pair of clothes with them for 'McCready Thing'.

And surely if The Thing was smart the most logical move would have been to take out the Alpha-pack-leader, McCready ASAP at a time and location where he was most vulnerable.

So who out of Palmer and Norris was assimilated first, and at what stages of the story?


Blair was infected first. I know, it's pure speculation but it's still fun to speculate!


Dunno- but one thing that always seems to defy logic is how the thing can take over anyone without anyone knowing it's happening at the time. The takeovers that we do see on screen have always been extremely noisy and MESSY. I'm guessing it took a minimum of 30 min for complete assimilation, and in that close, cramped station there is no way it could go on unnoticed.

Btw- If both Blair and Fuchs said that the thing needs to be alone and in close proximity to the victim in order to absorb them...why does the dog-thing try to absorb 4-5 dogs at once?


Dog-thing didn't make a move until the other dogs started acting up - that forced his paw.




I think Palmer was infected first (the shadow on the wall), and Norris second via contaminated food. I think Norris was still human up to the point where he had his 'heart attack'. I think Norris's chest pains were really the Thing eating away his innards, then when it had assimilated enough, Norris collapsed and died. Between the time he collapsed and the defibrillator, the Thing was hurriedly assimilating more and more of Norris's body, until it had enough to attack.


Blair first, and very early.

The assimilations happened while Macready and Dr. Copper went to the other camp( an hour there, an hour back, enough time for at least two people to be taken over). I know Blair was taken over early, but I believe Norris was as well. I think Palmer was taken over after Blair " went crazy". Blair was sneaking back into the camp and stealing parts for his ship ( not as evident in the film, but elaborated more in the novelization). The men didn't notice because they were pretty much grouped together after a certain point. One thing you can't deny is that the thing was going after the scientists in the group first ( Blair, Norris, Bennings, Fuchs) and only imitated Palmer because he was a helicopter pilot.


If the thing can infect hosts on a cellular level anyone touching it could have been infected.
My theory is that both Blair and Fuchs were infected that way (probably during the autopsy). Fuchs burns himself, Blair loses the plot.
I'm also inclined to think the infections and assimilations are all random. Apart from Blair's escape ship there's little evidence of a plan or strategy from the creature.


Palmer was taken over first. You see this when the dog walks into his room in the beginning. Then Norris. Then Blair, not Blair first.
There are clues throughout the movie that can tell you when a character was transformed. Watch it again. The imitation versions always give themselves away by their suspicious behavior. Palmer says he ain't going with Windows, because everyone was suspecting Windows was an imitation. Palmer-thing blends in with others by agreeing with the suspicion and casting doubt on Windows.

What about Norris? Remember when Mac wanted someone to hold the keys. Norris was already the thing here. Norris got nervous and said, "Why me?". By shifting focus, blending in, that's how the thing always survived and slowly took over its areas.

Then Blair. I think Blair was taken over slowly starting with the autopsy. Watch it again. He clearly states that the organism appears to be dead, but the cells are still active. WATCH - He touches the thing with the pencil eraser, and then he touched his lips as he was thinking about it. It started transforming him then. So, remember what I said about the imitations casting doubt on others? Blair-thing comes out swinging, literally. He killed all the dogs, like a non-alien would. He destroyed the chopper and radio (he was going to use it for making his ship and it prevented people from leaving.) But this made him look like a crazy human, AND it forced him into isolation. LIKE the thing wanted. Remember, it could be part of a whole, and each piece will do what it has to to break off and survive, right?

That's what the isolation and crazy behavior was for: to break Blair-thing off, so it could work on its escape. While in the shed, he was digging a hole and putting together its ship.

 <---Bella's "Kiss Me" Face


Palmer was taken over first. You see this when the dog walks into his room in the beginning.
But some members here have stated they believe the shadow in the room was Norris.

So you have conflicting theories.

Palmer says he ain't going with Windows, because everyone was suspecting Windows was an imitation.
Or.......Palmer was human at that time and really was suspicious Windows was a Thing.

Norris was already the thing here. Norris got nervous and said, "Why me?".
Or......Norris was human at that time and really was trying to avoid taking over leadership.

That's kind of the point of Carpenter's whole paranoia theme. A viewer's perception of behavior is not concrete evidence. Carpenter never gave obvious evidence pointing at any specific person all the way up till we actually see transformations.

As you state, Palmer took an accusatory stance. Does that mean he is an alien as you suggest? Childs also took an accusatory stance and he was definitely human at least all the way up to and through the blood tests. So an accusatory stance is by no means proof a person was an alien.

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


I don't care what other members here believe. Palmer was taken over first.

 <---Bella's "Kiss Me" Face


I don't care what other members here believe. Palmer was taken over first.
Understood, but on the other hand, some members may not care what you believe and insist Norris or Blair was taken over first. Just scroll up for examples.

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


Norris and then Palmer, Palmer's longjohns were shredded by The Thing.


There is absolutely no doubt that Palmer was taken over first. The first time the Dog is alone with anyone is in Palmer's room. Literally every minute before that the dog is in a room with multiple humans. You can speculate on the order following that (although I never understand what you'd want to, it makes no difference whatsoever what order they were assimilated after this) but Palmer was first.


There is absolutely no doubt that Palmer was taken over first.
Not according to the film's co-producer Stuart Cohen.

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


The shadowy figure that the dog takes over is Norris, you can tell since hes wearing a sweater.


I don't know if the shadow is Norris or Palmer, but regarding the OP's original question, "who was infected first," neither Norris or Palmer was the first one infected according to the film's co-producer Stuart Cohen.

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


If we assume that the first assimilation that we see is the shadow on the wall that the Dog-Thing walks in on, it's Palmer.

The filmmakers said that the scene was originally filmed with David Clennon (Palmer) in the room, but then he was replaced with a stunt double because his silhouette was too obvious. If we knew it was Palmer from the shadow profile, the shock of reveal on the couch wouldn't be there.
