When Nauls Vanished!

I really wish they showed what had happened to him instead of just hearing the noises of it.


The thought of how Nauls was overtaken to me is more effective & creepier than actually seeing it happen. To the audience we see most of it play out with Garry being overtaken & can make a similar assumption for Nauls. To Mac, it's an instantaneous realization of solitude & dread.

To me the shot of Nauls walking over to check on Garry was perfect, with the flickering lighting & that strange howling noise in the background.



that was one of my favorite moments: Mac realizes he's alone, and it's all silent except for the zippo opening and the detonator plunger clicking.



I thought the scene was perfectly shot and it was actually scarier not seeing what happened. When Mac turns and stops mid-sentence combined with the pulling down of his hood scares that crap out of me. We saw a gruesome death only seconds before so it wouldn't have added much to the drama seeing another one so shortly afterwards. Also, as Mac was now alone (excluding Childs) the silence is excruciatingly effective.


Tom_Rocks - A while back, I'd heard there was a story board sequence of Nauls demise - BOX THING. On the Thing Facebook page, people posted story board shots of it. As well as enhanced/extended Blair Thing sequences.

The "Nauls/Box Thing scene" just didn't make it. As other's mentioned, as is, the scene works great. But as gruesome(/AWESOME!!) as Garry's "Face Hand Bag" scene was, I would also like to have seen Nauls demise (I mean, it would not have taken away anything from the movie, NOW, for me if it was still included.)

That being said, the stop motion capture of one of the iterations of Blair Thing also looked cool (and QUITE different, however depicted a more natural maturation of Blair into the FINAL BOSS!) - But I "heard" Carpenter thought is just didn't work out to the benefit of the film.

IMDB - Because some Trolls need more than just a bridge


that was one of my favorite moments: Mac realizes he's alone, and it's all silent except for the zippo opening and the detonator plunger clicking.
Excellent point.

Because this is the sense of dread you would feel if people were disappearing in your life with no apparent visual explaining why. The horror you are now alone without even knowing what happened to the last person that was just previously before your eyes.

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


Producer Stuart Cohen said the tests for the Blair box monster were laughably bad which explains why it was shown off screen.


Shame there is no footage. :(

Listen, do you smell something? -Ray Stantz
