MovieChat Forums > The Thing (1982) Discussion > Just before the Dog-Thing gets torched.....

Just before the Dog-Thing gets torched...(question)

Just read through the FAQs and did not see an answer to this.

When the dog is transforming in the kennel, it grows some arms that reach up and a large part of it appears to escape through the ceiling just before the remainder is flamed by Childs. What happens to that part? Is it accounted for? It does not seem so.




INCORRECT. The Big Claw Creature (THING) in the kennel is CLEARLY seen escaping through the roof it crashed through.
It shows the claws punching through the ceiling then start to pull a part of the mass up. They never show the ceiling opening again nor do they show the clawed mass disappearing into the ceiling opening. So to claim it escaped, you're injecting off screen fan fiction.

But let's entertain your fan fiction for a moment. Let's say the clawed mass escaped. What next? There's no evidence of it's existence on screen again throughout the rest of the film. Your fan fiction is suggesting there's "a Big Claw Creature" running around the camp throughout the rest of the film that is never seen? There's no character interaction with "The Big Claw Creature" ever again? It just took a back seat and watched the showdown as a spectator? What would be the point of injecting that in the story?

THINK THROUGH your fan fiction before posting it, Gorch.

BTW, quite amusing for the FOURTH straight time now, an account that has zero posting history decides to post for the first time ever, makes a bee line to me to say "I'm wrong."

Good effin grief, gorch, how many sock puppets do you own? My, my, these snot nose kids really do love their sock puppets, don't they.

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.



It does appear that the clawed, tentacled thing gets through the roof before the big mass on the floor cracks open and the tongue stalk burst out of it.

In the revers shot of Childs flaming it, the tentacled thing is seen still dangling from the ceiling though. I think it's all meant to be the one thing.

"Who can't use the Force now?! I can still use the Force!" - Yarael Poof


It pulls itself up into the ceiling - where it sticks into the corner.

If you look closely you can see a burning mass falling to the floor.

The main reason i don't think it escapes is because all the vast majority of the characters see what happens and nobody mentions anything like "guys do you think we should go and find the bit that escaped" which doesn't seem likely.

I don't think you cay say it clearly escapes because there are people that will say it didn't happen and we all watched the same piece of film.
