MacReady's blood

We never actually see him give his blood. One can only assume that he does in front of the others just like the rest, but it's something I've always thought of as odd when considering whether or not he's a Thing.
For all your celebrity swear counts!


There are others who we also do not see them actually drawing the blood, we only see the dishes labeled with names. Why is it you find it odd we do not see Mac draw blood, but you don't find it odd we do not see others draw blood?

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


Did you want that scene to be 45 minutes long?


I thought about that the other day. We don't see all the men have their blood taken so that in itself doesn't necessarily throw suspicion on Mac. But he does organise the test. If he was a thing he could easily have rigged it to clear him.

But then why would he risk exposing other things in the process? Maybe Mac-Thing didn't know that Palmer was a Thing. Maybe the Thing as an assimilated human is beginning to assume the same paranoia that the mean are experiencing. If it imitates perfectly, enabling it to behave perfectly human, then perhaps it also perceives as a human.

It is Mac that proposes that each individual part of the Thing is a whole and will defend itself. Perhaps he was letting on more than he thought about the Thing's thought process. Maybe each part of its will to survive is so strong that other Things can be sacrificed... which would permit Mac to torch Palmer in the end. Maybe.

"Who can't use the Force now?! I can still use the Force!" - Yarael Poof
