MovieChat Forums > The Thing (1982) Discussion > Whenever someone lists this as the best ...

Whenever someone lists this as the best horror movie of all time....

I simply applaud them and say “I agree 100%”. It’s a “Man’s” Man’s movie if I ever saw one, so refreshing to not see any bimbo female characters drag the movie down. But mostly it’s the atmosphere, brilliant score, and practical effects that make this the top dog in my opinion. Kurt Russell is simply amazing in this, nuff said.


Damn straight.

"Yeah, f*ck you too!"


I can't wait till they remake it so we can watch it all over again. ;)


It’s a “Man’s” Man’s movie if I ever saw one, so refreshing to not see any bimbo female characters drag the movie down.

Gay men are naturally drawn to movies with all-male casts and zero babes (not that you are). Just sayin'


Gay men watch “The Devil wears Prada” and “Glee”......only a closeted homosexual would need a hot chick in a movie to feel straight. You’re projecting my child.


I'm with Wuchak on this one. It's a known psychological phenomenon that men who are in denial about their own homosexual urges are overly vocal about how manly they are and how awful homosexuality is, and make sure to point out how non-gay their own actions and interests are.

In other words, openly gay men comfortable with their sexuality may or may not watch "Glee," but a closeted gay man in denial would certainly point out that his favorite horror film is "a “Man’s” Man’s movie," and would definitely find it "so refreshing to not see any bimbo female characters drag the movie down." That isn't to say a straight man couldn't also feel and say those things, but it's far, far more likely to come from a homosexual in denial.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true!


I hope lots of gay men really enjoy this film then. Because it sure is a manly film. With current LGBTQ trends in cinema, why don't they make more movies like this?

Funny how "gay" gets used as a prod by people from either side of the phobe-fence.


Seems like they make movies like this all the time. Maybe not as good, but the there is no shortage of action, horror, and sci-fi films lately.


But where is the testosterone loaded action/horror flicks geared toward the closeted gay male?


I don't think there is such a thing. Or maybe I'm missing your point?

Our discussion above was about how the guys who complain the loudest about homosexuals, and go out of their way to "prove" they're straight, are often secretly gay themselves. The films themselves are just films, and aren't made with an audience member of any particular sexual orientation in mind.


I was just riffing off Wuchack's post. I really don't think gay men are especially drawn to The Thing simply because there are no women in it. :D
Was also making sport of the common practice of people accusing someone else of being closeted gay as a means of attacking their homophobia. Which is, in itself, using "gay" in a pejorative manner.

I was being absurd to illustrate absurdity. I caught you in the spokes of it since subtlety doesn't translate on the internet. Sorry.


It is nice to not see a forced romance in a movie for once.


I prefer Nosferatu and Alien, but The Thing is a great piece of cinema, and I can't say I fault anybody for top-choicing it.


The Thing was good but I liked Frankenstein better.


IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE: The Thing (1982) fans stop being sexist incel losers.
