MovieChat Forums > The Big Chill (1983) Discussion > nth degrees of fornication

nth degrees of fornication

Trying to figure out all the combinations of main characters who had sex or tried to have sex with:

Alex - Did Sarah (the affair) and Chloe

Sarah - Did Alex (the affair) and Harold; pimped Harold to Meg

Harold - Did Sarah and Meg (the latter due to the aforementioned pimpage)

Meg - Did Harold (recipient of Sarah's pimpage) and Michael (in their hippie days), propositioned Nick and Sam

Sam - Did Karen, propositioned by Meg

Karen - Did Sam

Michael - Did Meg (as mentioned), tried for a repeat performance, hit on Chloe and a little bit on Sarah

Nick - Hit on by Chloe and Meg, but was unable to consummate, started a platonic relationship with Chloe

Chloe - Did Alex, hit on Nick, was hit on by Michael (more than once)


Don't forget Karen and Sam's college relationship


They pleasured each other during the weekend so I accounted for them.


Karen and Nick in college


Sexual Revolution.


Well done. Those couplings are the only ones we know of, or that we're supposed to know of.

It may seem a tad hedonistic and all 'free love'/'sexual revolution' for some, but from my perspective, it's not all that unusual in a little collective of guys & girls. During my own student days (late 80's, university in South Africa), I was fortunate enough to be in a group of tight friends of about the same size as in The Big Chill, and we've had maybe even more changing and exchanging of partners going on over the years. It didn't break any friendships, and today it feels as if was never anything less than natural. I ended up being the one that never married and never settled down, though I did hook up with a couple of the girls at one stage or another. I'm not aware of any bitterness and definitely no-one became 'damaged goods'. The sixties is seen today as the "free for all" age - though that's due to the emergence of the pill more than a new-found psychology - but in my opinion that decade was more of a turning point, rather than a once-off. I've spent a few more years on a campus recently, and in my estimation the culture of bed-hopping amongst students is as strong as ever. I believe too that it hasn't really changed over the many centuries before either - it was just hushed and hardly incorporated into the 'pop culture' of times before. (Technically, with more making out sessions rather than fornication, sans contraceptive aids.) Young adults have always been a horny bunch, as they naturally ought to be.

I'd be surprised therefore if Kasdan and Benedek didn't labour that point a bit in their script. The pimpage of the single woman (Meg) to a married man within the group (Harold) is rather out of the ordinary, however - albeit with a 'ticking clock' and a desire to become a mother factored in. It was a risky move including that into the script, though without it, the narrative impact may have been much weaker and The Big Chill may well have become buried in the mountain of celluloid output. Anyway, the consequence of such an act would surely cause a high drama of its own, and perhaps weaken the group cohesion. I can hardly imagine any other outcome!

Please click on 'reply' at the post you're responding to. Thanks.


Lucky you. I don't know why, but not only was I very jealous when I was younger, but for some reason, physical intimacy scared the hell outta me. I'd get SO nervous when I thought about being with a woman.
I remember slow dancing with a 8th grader when I was in the 7th, and when we finished she laughed out loud and said, "your heart is beating so hard !"


Hitting on someone is not fornication. The way you listed it makes it sound a tad more hedonistic than it was, especially when you repeated couplings.

Alex & Chloe were a couple
Harold & Sarah were married
Meg had what sounded like a one night stand with Michael in college
These are the only situations of ill repute:
Sarah had an affair with Alex
Harold procreated with Meg
Sam & Karen were a couple in college & hooked up


First of all fornication is unmarried sex, only Harold and Sarah were married to each other. Everything else is accurate.

Second, don't take it so seriously, no one else did.


You must take it seriously if you felt the need to tell me the definition of fornication, a word you used in your OP. 


When you used it incorrectly to criticize my beautiful thread, then hell yes I'll take it seriously. Accept accountability and consequences for your actions or die. There is no third option.


This is one of my favorite movies and I'm surprised that anyone would think there's a lot of hanky panky going on compared to what we see in movies today. Besides Sam having a one nighter with Karen, Sarah having an affair with her husband's best friend and her husband inseminating her best friend, it was all pretty normal. 


As one of the other posters remarked, the sex is reflective of the past the characters were all involved in...the 60's, where free love reigned. Their reuniting reminded them of that era and how they've all changed, yet at the same time have retained a little of that idealism and cause to wonder at what point did Alex lose hope and kill himself.


Friends fooling around w each other in college wasn't limited to the 60's necessarily. Just normal college behaviour really.

This was a very nuanced, gentle, heart warming movie. Describing their interactions as fornicating and pimping just sullies it. Sorry but I agree w OP. 'had sex' or 'made out' etc vs fornicating and ' arranged a surrogate father' vs pimping would have been less abrasive or more 'beautiful' . JMO too


Please check out the Saturday Night Live skit about the end of this will all appreciate it. But good luck finding it on the internet!


I wouldn't say any of them "did" the others, since they all loved each other on some level, and cared for each other. Except maybe Michael and Meg on a drunken night years ago.
