MovieChat Forums > The Big Chill (1983) Discussion > Did you like The Big Chill when it first...

Did you like The Big Chill when it first came out?

My aunt bought me the soundtrack of The Big Chill and I just loved the music and so I found out that there was a Volume 2 of The Big Chill soundtrack and I got it for my birthday along with The Big Chill and I found the movie to be really cool and with the great oldies soundtrack it helped set up the awesome storyline for this film. What I found shocking is that The Big Chill wasn't nominated for an Oscar and the storyline would've made it an Oscar winner. I also think The Big Chill should be released again on DVD in an Anniversary Edition so that more people can discover this classic 80's film time and again



This movie really marked the dividing line like no other between the Baby Boomer generation and Generation X.

This film was really made for boomers. The music is from the 60's and 70's and really has nothing to do with the 1980's.

In fact my generation (X)really thought the characters in it were pompous and entitled, none of my friends liked it and I find it hard pressed to find anyone from Gen X that does.

Sounds like you are a millennial, so you are free to choose. Just thought that you should know that this movie was known as a hot wire topic between X and Boomer.


I liked the soundtrack of The Big Chill because it had neat 60's songs and you should really get Volume 2 of The Big Chill soundtrack for more of the awesome songs the film has. I also noticed that Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park was in The Big Chill too and he was very great in it too


Funny that you should put the qualifier "when it first came out" in your question, but it is very apt. I did like it when it first came out because I thought it was a slice of life movie. Today, I dislike it because it is totally absurd and nonsense looking back on it. I'd say it was right that it did not win an Oscar because a lot of movies like this one are flashes in the pan and do not stand the test of time.


To be honest though, a lot of the films that win Oscars are a bit flash in the pan, or aren't really the films from their respective years that everyone remembers and still enjoys. Although the 1983 winner, Terms of Endearment, has endured somewhat.

There are part of this film which reflect attitudes very specific to that generation which are a bit embarrassing to watch, but I think it has some more general observations about human behaviour which ring true, and it is well made, well acted and mostly entertaining.


The Big Chill was one of many movies I watched in those early 80s "holy shit we have a VCR!" days when it was either A) watch whatever random tape mom was able to grab for the weekend or B) don't use the VCR at all. VCRs were so novel and revolutionary in those days, I'd watch just about anything. The Big Chill, Kramer Vs. Kramer, All That Jazz, Sometimes a Great Notion, On Golden Pond... all movies I never would have watched in a million years if I was the one picking the rentals. All movies that blew my mind because, even though they were "for old people," I still really enjoyed them, despite being only 14 or 15. Thankfully I had a friend at school who could dub tapes, so I still got my freak on with Alien, Rollerball, The Road Warrior etc.
